
730 23 173

February 22 2014


*Group Chat*

Ned: Holy Crap. Did you guys saw the news?

Flash: I did man. It's crazy. A Rhino Monster?!?!

Liz: You think that's crazy? You saw the news of a giant robot in Central Park?

Harry: Man, Today's a crazy day.

Liz: That's not all. The Vigilante was also spotted in both places too.

Flash: No kidding. How is he that strong? I still don't get it.

Ned: His Workout must be insane.

Harry: Leaving that aside. Gwen and Alex didnt show today for school.

Ned: Yeah. That's the odd part.

Liz: Can anyone text them?

Flash: I already texted Gwen and she said she's at Oscorp. I don't know about the Geek though.

Harry: I'll try calling him.

Alex: Hey guys. Sorry I didnt see your messages.

Ned: Where were you Alex?

Alex: I'm at Home Right Now. I'm just sick and I'm resting up right now.

Harry: Ouch man. You should have told us earlier.

Alex: I was taking a nap.

Flash: Or Probably over working yourself like how all nerds are.

Liz: Come on Flash. He's tired.

Alex: I'll see you guys soon.

Ned: Alright man and Alex, Take care of yourself.

Harry: Text us if you need anything.

Alex: Will do.

Liz: Alright everyone. See you all tomorrow and remember to do your homeworks everyone.

Flash: I hate Homework.

Alex finished texting the others as he was looking at the Oscorp Tower as he sighed to himself before The Symbiote form a costume around Alex as he jumped off the building and began swinging to his destination.

Meanwhile In The Beloit Psychiatric Hospital shows someone in his cell looking at the wall. The Beloit Psychiatric Hospital is an asylum built to hold patients. It ranges from the mentally insane to the dangerously insane. It also holds numerous criminals and the home of a monster that tried to destroy New York last year.

 It also holds numerous criminals and the home of a monster that tried to destroy New York last year

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