
507 18 136

February 29 2014


It was Eight Twenty One In The Morning and Alex just finished fighting the H Bombers. The H Bombers had the entire bank hostage and were even gonna blow it up until Alex showed up and stopped them.

Alex was walking out of the bank until someone tried to hit him with a baseball bat as he dodged it as he saw who it was.

Arsenic Candy Member: Its that Freak from the Clothing Store. Do you really think we're gonna let you go that easily?

Alex was quiet as Two Members tried to attack him but Alex used a tendril and threw them to the wall as he continued fighting them until they were all knocked out as Alex was fixing his sleeves.

Alex: What ever happened to Sugar, Spice and Everything nice?

Alex here police sirens as he immediately left the scene. Alex eventually made it to Times Square as he saw a video message on the big screen.

 Alex eventually made it to Times Square as he saw a video message on the big screen

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Mad Bomber: Hello New York. I am Lucas Carlyle but I prefer to be called The Mad Bomber. I am the leader of the H Bombers and A Man to complete his destiny by creating destruction.

Alex was looking at the Screen as Others were watching it with him.

Mad Bomber: My Goal is to destroy this city along with that Jameson Prick but someone stands in my way. The Vigilante, Let me give you a warning boy. Stay out of our way or we will destroy you.

The Video abruptly ended as Everyone was scared except for Alex as Venom was talking to him.

Venom: Let's see the fear in his eyes when he meets us.

Alex nodded as He decided to go back to Conners safehouse as he was stretching out.

One Hour Later Alex made it to the abandoned apartment complex as he went up the third floor and entered the apartment to see Conners looking at his research notes along with him checking out his computer.

Alex: What's the Matter Conners?

Connors: Nothing Alex. So far I'm looking at my notes and I'm close to making the antidote.

Alex: That's great to hear. Hold on, I need to call Gwen.

Conners nodded as Alex pulled his phone out of his pocket as he clicked on Gwen's contact as the phone began ringing as Alex was waiting for her answer until she picked up.

Alex: Gwen, Are you alright?

Smythe: Alex?

Alex: Doctor Smythe? Where's Gwen?

Smythe: Gwen is asleep right now. Poor girl is tired. Hell, We're all tired and sick.

Alex: I just hope Everything goes well.

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