
371 14 134

March 6 2014


Connors created a new antidote from Richard Parkers Research Notes But Now They got bigger problems. Smythe has lost his mind and escorted Gwen and the other infected survivors to the Oscorp Bio Labs as he wanted to test the nanobot cocktail on them.

Alex eventually made it to the Oscorp Bio Labs as he saw Oscorp Guards surveying the area.

Oscorp Guard: Smythe really lost his mind. Hell, I'm scared to even talk to him.

Oscorp Guard: Blame The Vigilante and The Lizard. Hell, I might as well leave New York. This Place is crazy as hell.

Oscorp Guard: I also agree with you man.

Alex managed to get past the guards by going through the ventilation system until he reached the guard room as he was looking through the cameras until he saw a video transmission.

Scientist: Please, Can anyone help us?

Alex: Don't worry, I'm here to save you all.

Scientist: The Vigilante, Thank God. We're scared right now, Doctor Smythe is crazy and-

Alex: Look, You need to calm down, Where are you all?

Scientist: We're in the Containment Area.

Alex: I'm heading there right now. I have the antidote, Just hold on for a little longer.

Scientist: Thank you so much.

Alex: Where's Gwen Stacy?

Scientist: We don't know where she is. She just ran away.

Alex: Dammit. Just hold on, Everything will be over soon.

Alex left the guard room as he began to make his way to the Containment Area. Alex saw a elevator as he entered it and went to the lower levels.

The Elevator stopped as Alex saw Smythes Robots surveying the area as he was hiding in the shadows. Alex moved past the robots as he entered another area and saw a mini gunner looking around.

The Mini Gunner was looking around as Alex decided to take him down silently.

The Mini Gunner was unconscious as Alex was moving past the area until he was detected by Smythe's Robots as they all began to surround him

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The Mini Gunner was unconscious as Alex was moving past the area until he was detected by Smythe's Robots as they all began to surround him.

The Robots began to fight Alex as he was fighting them back. Alex managed to destroy two robots as he grabbed the two robots and threw them at the wall as he destroyed the last robot with a...

 Alex managed to destroy two robots as he grabbed the two robots and threw them at the wall as he destroyed the last robot with a

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