Predator And Prey

465 21 56

February 29 2014


Five hours have passed since Alex entered the sewers. Alex entered the sewers to search for a cross species and extract its blood sample to complete the cure. Alex later on found the Vermin and fought it.

He was so close to getting the blood sample until Smythe's Robots attacked him and The Vermin escaped the sewers and was loose in the city. Alex was done fighting Smythe's Robots as he managed to get out of the sewers and looked at the city.

Alex continued looking around until he saw a swarm of rats running around the city as Civilians were screaming for their lives as they began running.

Alex: Looks like I gotta follow the rats.

Alex began following the swarm of rats as Civilians continued running for their lives as It was chaos everywhere. Ten minutes have passed and Alex continued following the rats until he saw something on the other side.

A Women was running for her life until she saw something in front of her as she began screaming for her life. The Vermin growled at her as Police Officers began shooting at the monster but it was no use. Alex made it to the spot as Vermin ripped open the manhole and entered the sewers again as Alex jumped down with him for a new game of....

Hide and Seek.

              Twenty Minutes Later

Alex was looking around the sewers as he saw a swarm of rats running in a unknown direction as Alex began following them. He continued moving through the sewers as he began hearing strange sounds.

Alex ignored the sounds as he continued walking until The Vermin ambushed Alex as It pinned him on the ground. Alex began punching thr Vermin but Vermin hit a headbutt on him as It used his claws and then....

Alex was in pain as Vermin was gonna slice his throat until Alex grabbed a lead pipe and hit Vermin in the head as it was growling at him before Both of them fell on the sewage water

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Alex was in pain as Vermin was gonna slice his throat until Alex grabbed a lead pipe and hit Vermin in the head as it was growling at him before Both of them fell on the sewage water.

Alex was in pain as Vermin was gonna slice his throat until Alex grabbed a lead pipe and hit Vermin in the head as it was growling at him before Both of them fell on the sewage water

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Alex and Vermin continued fighting each other as both of them got drained out by one of the chambers as Alex was holding his back. The Vermin growled at Alex as He was gonna get up until he heard loud sounds as Alex turned around and saw....

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