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February 28 2014


Harry along with Flash, Liz, Mary Jane and Ned were at Times Square spending time after they were all done revising for a test tomorrow

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Harry along with Flash, Liz, Mary Jane and Ned were at Times Square spending time after they were all done revising for a test tomorrow. The Group continued to explore Times Square as they were deep thoughts.

Harry and The Others found out about what really happened to Gwen and couldn't believe it. Gwen was infected and has been in the tower for a while now. They also found out that The Monsters terrorising the city were created by Oscorp.

Harry: I can't believe it. Dad created those monsters but Why?

Ned: He kept those monsters in a cage but now they broke out.

MJ: I'm scared now. This is a lot to take in.

Liz: Same but what do we tell to Gwen's Family?

Harry: We have to tell them the truth.

Flash: Does the geek know?

MJ: I don't think so Flash but we have to tell him.

Harry: Also Flash, You need to stop getting on his nerves.

Flash: But-

Liz: You know Flash, You might be my Boyfriend but what your doing to him is wrong. He doesn't deserve all this. You know what? I'm done with you.

Liz walked away as Flash was calling her name but it was pointless as she was already gone.

Ned: Let's not fight now guys. We need to do something about Gwen.

MJ: Not only Gwen but Maybe for everyone that is infected.

Harry: I'm gonna start setting up Medical Camps.

Ned: That's good bro. Let's also warn everyone about this.

MJ: But They won't believe us.

Ned: Eddie and Peter will help us spread the news.

Harry: I'll let them know. I'll also let Alex know too.

Just then Everyone heard a strange sound as Harry and the Others were confused until a family was walking by until their son saw something.

Son: Dad, What is that flying above us?

Everyone looked in the sky and saw an explosion as they saw what it was.

Everyone looked in the sky and saw an explosion as they saw what it was

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