Enemy Within

311 14 195

March 8 2014


Two Days have passed since the incident at St Gabriel's Bank and Alex was at his home watching the news as he was thinking about the Situation in hand. For the last two days, Everything was silent.No Crimes were reported and no attacks were happening. Alex was already having a bad feeling about all of this but he shrugged it off. Alex got up from his seat as he went to his room and changed into his casual attire as he looked in the mirror.

 Alex got up from his seat as he went to his room and changed into his casual attire as he looked in the mirror

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Alex fixed his boots as he went downstairs and saw his mom getting ready.

Alex: Where are you going?

Martha: Oh, I have some work at the Hospital and I'll come back later. Where are you going?

Alex: I'm going to the World Unity Festival at Times Square.

Martha: Oh, I heard Oscorp is hosting that Festival. I wonder what are their comments on the outbreak?

Alex: Well We might see that soon.

Martha: Well Take Care of yourself Honey and Stay Safe.

Alex: You too Mom.

Alex hugged his mom as she hugged him back until both of them went to their separate ways.

Two Hours Later

Alex was at the Festival as he saw everyone celebrating. There were famous celebrities and singers at the festival greeting the fans as Alex looked at the Balcony and saw Harry and Liz waving at the crowd.

Alex was staring at them until MJ touched his shoulder as he turned around and saw her face.

MJ: Glad you made it.

Alex: You too.

MJ: Where's your Mom?

Alex: She has some urgent work at the Hospital.

MJ: Oh I see. I hope she's doing good. I mean you know how many infected are in the Hospital right now.

Alex: I just hope she'll be fine. She's been through enough.

MJ: You really love her huh?

Alex: She's all that I got left. I already lost Dad and my older brother. I can't lose her now.

MJ: I understand Alex.

Alex: Hey, Where's Flash and Ned?

MJ: Flash is with Harry.

Alex looked up and saw Flash in the Balcony talking to Harry as he saw Alex and gave the middle finger to him as he ignored him.

MJ: Ned is actually sick right now.

Alex: Poor guy. He was so excited to come to this festival.

MJ: I know. As For Gwen, She's just resting up. Peter and Eddie are at the bugle.

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