
592 23 84

February 22 2014


Alex broke out Conners From The Beliot Psychiatric Hospital but His Actions caused more problems then he could imagine. Not only did he broke Conners out, He also messed up and let all the prisoners escape. Captain Stacy on the hand was furious and was determined to capture Alex and Conners and put them behind bars.

Alex and Conners were at a rooftop as Conners was looking at this city as Alex was staring at him.

Alex: Its great to see the city again huh?

Conners: The City I once tried to destroy.

Alex looked at Conners as Curt continued looking at the city as he was having bad memories for what he has done last year.

Alex: Look Curt. Let's just focus on making a better future.

Conners: Right.

Alex: We need to find you a place to stay. Obviously You can't stay at my place. Otherwise They'll know the truth.

Conners: I actually know a place. I'll tell you where to go.

Alex nodded as he picked Conners up as He began swinging from one building to another as Conners was telling him where to go. Alex continued moving as Conners continued to tell Alex where to go until Alex saw an old apartment complex as Conners told him to get on the fourth floor as Conners kicked down a door and looked at the abandoned apartment.

Alex: Is this your place?

Conners: It used to be. I'm surprised everything is still here.

Alex: This entire apartment complex is abandoned but at least this is a good safe house.

Conners: Right. First things first, I need my research notes. They're all stored in a Oscorp Tablet. It's located in the Oscorp Archives Facility.

Alex: Alright. I'm going there now.

Conners: Wait Alex. You need to lay low. You caused enough trouble.

Alex: We don't have time Curt. People are dying and we need to help them.

Conners: I understand but right now The Police are on high alert.

Alex heard a notification from his phone as he pulled it out of his pockets and saw a message from Ned as he opened it and it was a live stream as Conners and Alex were watching it.

The Live Stream showed some reporters asking Captain Stacy questions about Conners Escape as Captain Stacy had this to say.

George: I told you all. The Vigilante is a menace and look what he did today. He help break out a terrorist known as Curt Conners. Right now A City Wide Manhunt has been launched on these criminals. I will stop at nothing to bring them to Justice. If anyone has information on these two. We will offer you two million dollars.

Alex closed the live stream as Conners was looking down as Alex looked at him.

Conners: Now that's just great. Everyone thinks your the bad guy. I'm sorry Alex.

Alex: Let's not worry about this.

Conners: Your a Fugitive on the run. They wont stop till your either dead or arrested.

Alex: Look, I'll find a way. All you need to do is create an antidote for this virus.

Conners: Right.......

Alex: I'll lay low for a while.

Just when Alex said that. He heard a police broadcast from his phone as he opened it and listened to it.

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