
416 15 86

March 2 2014


Alex was at his apartment as he was stretching his neck as he put on his hoodie jacket as he looked at his casual outfit.

Alex immediately exited his apartment as he was making his way to Conners safehouse as he was having thoughts about Gwen and the others at Oscorp

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Alex immediately exited his apartment as he was making his way to Conners safehouse as he was having thoughts about Gwen and the others at Oscorp. Alex was relieved that Conners finally finished the antidote and the entire outbreak can be stopped now.

Alex made it to the safehouse as he looked at Conners who was waiting for him.

Conner: Here it is Alex.

Conners gave Alex the antidote as he was staring at it.

Alex: Is this gonna work?

Conners: Well It needs further testing but I did ran a simulation and yes it is gonna work.

Alex: I believe you Conners. I'm heading to the Oscorp Tower to cure Gwen and The Others.

Conners: Be careful Alex, Smythe obviously has security the place. I'm sure he's not happy about the stunt you pulled at the Archives.

Alex: I'll be careful. You start making a mass production for this cure. We're running out of time.

Conners: Right away.

Alex immediately left the safehouse as Conners was looking at the wall as he was talking to himself.

Conners: Let's hope Gwen forgives me for what I have done.

Alex saw the Oscorp Tower as he managed to enter the tower through the third floor as he saw Security guarding the room.

Alex: The Quarantine Block is at the Seventy fifth floor. I need to keep moving.

Venom: We better be careful though.

Alex: Right.

Alex managed to avoid the guards as he continued moving through the tower as he entered the next room and saw some guards fighting the infected.

Alex managed to avoid the guards as he continued moving through the tower as he entered the next room and saw some guards fighting the infected

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