The Iero's

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Gerard's pov

I woke up with a groan to the loud noises outside my house, I frown and close my eyes trying to go back to sleep.

But it just wasn't happening.

I rolled out of bed with a soft grunt before looking out the window "for god sake" I whispered as I watched two woman and boy around my age carrying boxes into the house next door.

I soon realised that I wouldn't be going back to sleep anytime soon so I decided to just wash my face, brush my teeth and get dressed.

I picked out a pastel yellow jumper and a pair of light blue skinny jeans.

I put on a pair of pink socks just because I don't like walking around the house in my bare feet.

I went into the kitchen where I grabbed a shiny green apple, I took a bite of it and hummed softly.

I also made myself some coffee before sitting down in the living room.

I flicked over to some random channel and watched the show, my attention was divided between the tv and the noises outside.

Soon there was a knock at the door, I gulped and left my apple core on the small table beside the couch before standing up and making me way to the front door.

When I opened it I was greeted by the new neighbours, one of the woman had blond, almost white hair, it had soft curls and kinks in it, even though it was obviously dyed, it looked nice.

"Hello we're you're new neighbours, I'm Jenny and this is my wife Linda" the bold headed woman spoke.

I smiled warmly "hey it's nice to meet you guys, the house has been empty for so long, it'll be strange having neighbours again" I said softly, I looked behind then to see the boy I saw earlier, the sides of his hair were bleached and he had a mohawk sort of styled hair, I thought it was cute.

"Oh this is our son Frank" Linda said excitedly "he'll be going to Belleville high, is that the school you go to" she asked, I nod my head silently "oh well maybe you guys will become great friends" she said half jokingly and half serious.

I chuckled "maybe yeah"

Jenny smiled and hummed "anyway we were coming over to see if your family would like to come over for dinner tonight, Linda and I would love to get to know you guys more" she said, I nod my head "yeah sure, that would be great, there's no one home right now but I'll let everyone know when they get home"

Linda grinned "wonderful, is 6 ok" she asked and I nod my head "perfect"

And with that we said our goodbyes and I shut the door.

I don't know how my mother would react, she was the sort of woman who complained about cooking and that she's had a hard day at work to then come home and slave over the stove.

But on the other hand she's accuse you of thinking her food wasn't good enough when she found out we would be ordering take out or that someone else was cooking for the night.

She was a very confusing woman, along with the ready of my family, my father, homophobic and sexist, didn't believe that woman should be working, but complained when my mother didn't bring home enough money.

My brother Mikey, who had the same beliefs as my father and had the same attitude as my mother.

But me, I was different, I accepted everyone for who they were, I didn't believe in gender roles and didn't believe that homosexuality was a sin.

It would be highly hypocritical of me if I thought the same as my family.

Because I'm gay.

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