What Did We Do?

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Gerard's pov

It was the next morning, my eyes were a little sore and my pillow was slightly damp, I must have been crying in my sleep too.

I got out of bed and picked out something to wear, I settled on white jeans, pink hoodie and pink converse.

I grabbed a apple from the kitchen before heading out to my front yard to meet Frank for school.

After a couple minuets he came outside and he looked cute, I liked the dark look he had, we were very different but that was ok.

I pulled a flower crown out from my bag and put it on my head, I couldn't bear to try leave the house with it on.

"Good morning" I said with a smile, Frank smiled a little too "morning, how was last night, did you sleep ok"

Before I could answer my father opened the front door "get that thing off your head boy" he yelled, I quickly snatched it off my head and gripped it in fear.

Frank took it from my hands and put it on his own head making me giggle, he smiled and we started walking to school.

Once we got around the corner, he took it off his head and put it back on mine, we both giggled a little before engulfing in conversation, nothing special, he was asking what teachers were good or bad, what classes Gerard had and what classes Frank had picked out.

"You might wanna go ahead without me, I'm not very liked here and if you get found with me then there will be trouble for you too" I said softly, Frank furrowed his eyebrows "hey I don't care, I'll beat them up myself" he said in a hero-like way.

I giggled nervously as we walked through the gates, we talked a little more and started walking to a little spot to sit for 5 minutes or so.

"Hey look, faggot way has a boyfriend" I heard before someone grabbed the flower crown from my head, I turn around quickly as Tim threw it on floor and stomped it into the mud, I frowned as he removed his foot, I go to pick it up and he shoved me back "faggots don't deserve nice things, faggots deserve to go through hell"

Jumped as I watched Frank punch Tim in the face, oh god, I can't believe he done that.

But Franks glory was soon gone as Tim started beating him, I tried to stop it but Brian came over and started beating me as well, a few punches and kicks later they called us faggots before walking away.

I get off the floor and pick up the flower crown, it was caked in mud and so were the side of my jeans, I see Frank get up as well, his face starting to bruise already "oh god, I'm so sorry Frank" I said softly, Frank shakes his bead "it's not your fault, come on, let's get cleaned up"

We head to the bathroom and clean up the blood, when I looked down at my jeans I sighed "god that's another pair ruined" I say as I start to scoop off the soggy mud, Frank grabbed a paper towel and started to help me "my pms can get the stain out, give them to me after school, they're really good at getting stains out" he said with a smile, I grin "they can give it a try yeah"

The rest of the day we were tortured, everyone called Frank my boyfriend and called us faggots, to be honest it was none of their business if we were together or not so we didn't really comment, but I am really happy, besides getting beaten.

I'm happy because I finally have a friend, after years of being abandoned, I have a friend again.

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