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"Baby does my hair look ok" Frank said as he walked into my room, I look up from my phone and pressed my lips together slightly with a hum.

"I dunno" I said before getting off the bed and walking over, he turned to the mirror and started patting it down more.

I turn him around and pout slightly "you look all cleaned up, you're hair isn't messy as usual"

Frank sighed "it's graduation, I thought I'd clean myself up a bit" he replied, he sounded so defeated.

I smiled and kissed him softly, it only lasted a couple seconds "you don't have to do that babe, you look perfect the way you usually do it"

Frank smiled at me and I giggled before rubbing his hair roughly messing it up like it usually was "baby, I spent so much time on this, I wanted it to be perfect"

I giggle and kiss his cheek "you're already perfect, that's why I fucking love you"

Frank smiled at my shyly "I love you so much" he said before pulling me into a hug.

I hugged him back and ran my fingers through his hair "you're coming to my graduation right, I-I want you to be there" he said worriedly, I pulled away and sat down on the bed "of course I'll be there, I couldn't miss it"


I nervously took a seat as I saw some of my old classmates, some sniggered and some glared but some smiled at me, I smiled at those people.

To be honest I was kinda bored thought the whole ceremony until I heard Franks name being called out, I wasted as my amazing boyfriend walked across and grabbed his diploma.

I turned to my left and saw Jenny consoling Linda "my boy is growing up" she whimpered, I smiled at Jenny before turning back to seeing Frank shaking the principals hands and walking off.

After the ceremony I got a text from Frank asking where I was, he told me to meet him outside.

When I got there I saw a few more old classmates, more so being my bully.

"What the fuck are you doing here faggot" Tim spat, I sighed, I really couldn't get away from him could I "I'm here for Frank, I'm being a supportive boyfriend"

I stood with a straight posture, I woundnt let him scare me, he was nothing to me now, he was about to go into the real world and someone will knock him down a couple pegs.

"You disgust me" he said with a scoff, I shrug "and you disgust me with you fucking face" I turn to the door that flew open, I smiled when I saw Frank "now if you'll excuse me, I've gotta go make out with my boyfriend"

I started walking over as his eyes met mine, he grinned and started walking faster.

Once he got to me his arms wrapped around my ribcage "I did it Gee, I made it through high school" he said happily, my arms wrapped around his neck "I'm so proud of you Frankie, you done better than me, god I love you so much"

All of a sudden tight, fast arms wrapped around us "oh Frank I'm so proud of you" I looked to see Linda and Jenny "my baby boy is all grown up" she whimpered out, I let go of Frank so he could hug his mother who was sobbing uncontrollably.

"We were wondering where you went" Jenny said with a smile, my eyes widened "god sorry, I forgot to say, I was too busy thinking about Frank"

Jenny chuckled "don't worry about it, you've really made him a better person, I knew he was struggling with sexual identity, you helped him figure some shit out"

Soon Frank was back in my arms, his head laid on my shoulder "I love you, now can we get the fuck outta here, I don't wanna be here any longer"

We started walking to the parking lot and Frank held my hand tightly, we were nearly at the car when he stopped me, I looked at him and he was smiling back at me "when we get back, I was thinking, only if it's ok with you, maybe we could go all the way"

He was blushing heavily, I felt myself go a bit red before I giggled "let's just get back to the house, we'll see what happens when we get there"

A grin found it's way onto Franks face before we started walking again.

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