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Me and Frank exchanged numbers so we could text each other in the morning.

We were definitely gonna walk to school together.

"Get out!"

Me and Frank jumped from the bed and furrowed our eyebrows "what's going on" he said as I quickly got off the bed and opens the door quietly.

"You guys should be ashamed of yourselves, adopting that poor boy, he could have went to a wonderful man and woman, it is a sin" I heard my mom yell.

I gasped and covered my mouth, I creep over to the top of the stairs "and your allowing your sun to think same sec relationships are alright, he's gonna turn out like a faggot and it'll be all your fault"

I heard a scoff "look at your son, what does it matter, he's obviously gay" Linda yelled out.

I heard my father laugh "well, we're finding ways to help him come to his senses during these confusing times, the is the last day he will wear girls clothes, or else" my heart started beating out of my chest.

What did he mean by that.

"Get the fuck out of our house, you are so rude and disrespectful" Jenny said awfully calmly.

I heard loud footsteps "Gerard, let's get out of this house if satan" my dad yelled, I look at Frank "I'm so sorry, for all of this" I said before walking down the stairs worriedly.

Mom, dad and Mikey were already out the door, I turned to Linda and Jenny "I am so so sorry" I said with sad eyes before quickly leaving the house.

I was so embarrassed I couldn't even think, when I got home I walked inside before slamming it shut "oh my god I can't believe you just done that" I said in disbelief.

Mom scoffed as me and walk into the kitchen, dad glared at me along with mikey "that is enough, you can stop with the girls clothes and the stupid phase that your a fag, I will not have it in my house" dad yelled before turning away.

I looked at Mikey "can you believe this" I said softly, Mikey shrugged "dad is right, it's disgusting and wrong, why don't you see that Gerard, you need to grow up" he pushed past me and walked upstairs, I stood in the hall as tears fell down my face.

I took my shoes off and went up to my bedroom, I looked around at the pastel colours and frowned, why did I have to be shamed for who I am and what I like.

Franks pov*************************

"Mom I'm telling you he's gay, he wears skirts and just in general looks and acts gay, why won't you believe me" I said desperately, my mom (Jenny) looked at me and I looked at my mama (Linda) mama seemed to believe me but mom didn't seem too convinced "Frankie we're just trying ti keep you safe"

I sighed "mom please, I think I might have finally made a friend, he's different from them I swear to god" I said desperately.

Mom looked at me and sighed "ok Frank, I believe you, but you will never ever go into that house, you can bring Gerard here but never go there"

I nod my head "yeah, I promise, I don't really wanna go in there to be honest, god knows what they'd do to me" I replied.

That seemed to be the end of the conversation so I head up to my room and text Gerard to make sure he was ok.

I knew he wouldn't be, but I just need ti make sure he didn't get hurt.

Pastel and Punk (Frerard)Where stories live. Discover now