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I had heard rumours that there wa da party at Brendon's house tonight but it was invite only.

I heard Frank was going ad he had asked a girl to go with him.

I approached Brendon while he was alone and asked if I could come to the party, his exact words were 'look Gerard I tho my our an alright guy but no one likes you, I couldn't afford you to come and everyone hating me for letting you come, I'm sorry'

It hurt my feelings, what was going on with Frank, why was he all of a sudden distant with me.

It was 11:30 am and I decided to text Frank, I texted him saying "hey I hope everything is ok between us, if not could we please talk through it, I miss you, leave answer, promise you'll come home on time I don't any your moms to get you in trouble"

After 10 minuets I got a reply, I slimed as Franks contact came up but my heart fell as I read the text "shut the fuck if you faggot I'll be home where ever the fuck I wanna be home"

My heat hurt at the reply I got.

What did I do to deserve this.

Soon I was up worrying and it was1:27 am, soon the front door opened, my eyes snapped open as I snuck over to my bedroom door, I heard stumbling and he certainly wasn't being quiet.

I opened the door to see Frank falling up the stairs, I walked over "so you need any help" I whispered as I tried to help Frank up.

He pushed me away and stormed past me, Linda came out for the room to see us both in the hall "what the hell is going on, it's like 1 am" she said in a hushed yet angry voice.

She scanned me and Frank and glared at Frank "we'll I know Gerard hasn't been out because he is in him pyjamas and was in bed, probably woke up to you Frank Anthony Iero, like the rest of us"

Jenny came outside and took Linda's hand "hey it's alright, let's just got to bed and deal with it in the morning, it'll be worse for him in the morning and he'll really learn his lesson"

Once Donna and Linda left to go back to their bedroom Frank walked Uber and shove me onto the floor "that was your fault you fucking faggot, basically telling on me on every corner, getting me in trouble, we'll you'll pay for this you fag" he said in a harsh, quiet tone.

I scamper away to my bedroom and shut the door, I heard Franks door close and a lot of shuffling on the other side of the wall, I could head Franks soft snores from the other side and I cuddle into the blanket, I hope Frank was ok.

I don't understand what I done wrong.

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