Finding You

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Franks pov

Gerard ran out of the house in a fit of tears as my moms yell at Megan, I don't even like her, not in anyway.

But if I wanna stay popular, I've got to stay with her.

"Get out of my house and stay away from my son" My mama yelled at her, I knew it would happen.

Megan takes my hand and drags me to the front door "come on Frankie, let's get the hell out of here" she said, I sighed and pull my hand away "I think I should stay here, I'll see you tomorrow" I said before kissing her softly, she scoffed and walked out the door.

I shut the door behind her and sighed again, I just wanted to go to sleep.

I start to make my way upstairs so I could go to sleep but my mom grabbed my wrist "now where the hell do you think you're going"

I furrowed my eyebrows "up to bed, I'm tired" she scoffed "oh no you are not, you are going out there to find Gerard, if you don't find him then don't come back until you do"

I rolled my eyes and pulled my shoes on, I need more cigarettes anyway.

Gerard's pov

I opened my fresh park of cigarettes and took one out.

I light it and smoke it quickly, I was starting to get cold, I'm in short shorts for god sake, I wish I changed into jeans or something before I left.

"Gerard, come on out you little shit" I heard someone yell, I gasp and stay completely still.

I heard the footsteps getting closer before a familiar voice "ok come on drama queen" I look up to see Frank but I look back down and refuse to move.

"No, I'm staying right here" I said before turning my back to him, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me off the bench "stop being fucking dramatic and come back" he yelled.

I snatched my hand away "no, you're girlfriend was rude and mean to me, you don't even want me there anyway, I know your moms sent you out to come find me, that's the only reason, just go home and leave me alone"

Frank sighed "I didn't wanna have to do this but you leave me no choice" he said all of a sudden he threw me over his shoulder and start walking "wait, n-no, Frank let me down"

He ignored me which annoyed me more "Frank let me down, I'll start struggling" I threat Franks scoffed.

I grunt and start wiggling out of his grip, kicking my legs a little too, I wanted to get out of his grip not accidentally knock him out.

I heard Frank grunt as I felt myself slipping, I land on my feet I front of him, my hands gripping his shoulders, my fringe covering my eyes.

Franks arms were around my waist as he looked deep in my eyes.

Why is this turning me on.

He pressed his lips to mine roughly, we made out hungrily, griping each other tightly, pulling each other close.

His tongue slipped into my mouth as we battled for domination, my arms wrap around his neck tightly, I shoved my tongue against his roughly.

He grabbed my ass suddenly making me gasp, I lost out battle as I felt his erection on my own, the thickness of our clothes making them barely get any friction.

We stood there making out and basically jumping each other in the middle of the street.

I soon realised what we were doing and where we were, I pulled away "w-we should go back"

Frank pushed me away forcefully "you owe me a whole pack of cigarettes for that" he said as he ripped the pack from my hands.

I sigh and follow him home, once we got there Linda and Jenny were happy to see me and we all agreed we'd talk about it in the morning but right now everyone wanted to go to bed.

When I got into my bedroom I let out a small sigh as I look down at my crotch, I was still as hard as a rock and I was dying to touch myself.

I pushed my shorts and panties off my body before crawling onto the bed.

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