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I woke up again and got ready sadly, school had been hell for me in the past few weeks, Frank had became part of the popular click and left me behind.

There was another new guy at school called Pete, I walked over to him in the halls "hey, I'm Gerard, w-would you like me to show you around" I said with a nervous welcoming smile.

The boy furrowed his eyebrows in disgust "ew you're faggot way" he said loudly, my smile fell as Frank laughed in my face "yeah, that's faggot way all right, watch out, he'll corner you in the bathrooms and try to kiss you"

The new guys cringed and ran away while Frank walked away with a smirk.

I sighed and sat against the wall, I plugged my earphones in and looked down at all shoes from people that walked past, a couple people kicked me, a couple people threw scrap papers at me as well.

I was like a stray puppy that no one wanted to take home with them, the dog was clingy and whiny which no one wanted.

I scratched at my brown soft hair and hummed slightly, maybe I could try a different style, maybe aye my hair or maybe even get a piercing or tattoo.

I thought I'd the last two things and cringed "oh god no" I mumbled the myself.

I looked down at my chubby stomach and frowned "maybe I needed to fix that" I mumbled and I poke at it a little.

Once I got home it was just me, Lindsay and Jenny were out for dating night, Frank was out god knows where and I was pine in the house.

I ordered a pizza for myself with the money I had saved up from months ago.

Once it got there I put it a stupid horror moving and half munched in the pizza while I sat on my phone not really paying attention to the movie.

Soon I heard the front door open and slam shut, I jumped slightly while I heard mumbled coming down the hall, I started to get scared and pull the blanket over my face "oh no" I whispered to myself, then Frank appeared "oh hey Frank, do you wanna share my pizza and watch a movie"

Frank walked Uber and I got my hopes up but he just picked up the pizza and walked away.

I frowned and followed him "hey, that's mine, I paid for it" I said half confidently "well you need to loose weight, maybe then you'll be reasonably attractive"

And with that he walked away.

I felt so sad and alone, why did Frank change all of a sudden.

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