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Me and Frank spent the weekend painting my room a pastel yellow colour but he seemed off with me.

He didn't seem to want to be anywhere near me after we painted and moved everything into my new room.

It was Sunday morning I skipped downstairs and into the kitchen "good morning Frankie" I said with a grin, Frank hummed and walked out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee.

I frowned and just thought he was tired, I sat in my bedroom and looked thought my tumbler as i frank my coffee.

A couple hours later I went down to get lunch, Frank was there and I wrapped my arm around his waist "hey frankie" I whispered before kissing the back of his neck, he shrugged me off and jumped away from me "hi" he replied before walking away quickly.

I frowned as he left me in the kitchen, what was wrong with him, or did I do something wrong.

I go up to his bedroom and knock on the door slightly "hey Frankie, is everything ok" I asked nervously.

I heard a slam and a loud yell "god Damn it just leave me the hell alone"

I quickly walk away from the room and into my own.

Why was Frank being like this, I thought we had something special.

The next morning I woke up and work up for school, one I got down stairs it was near the time me and Frank would walk to school but when I got to the bottom of the stairs he shut the front door and he was gone.

I ran to the living room and watch ad he walked down the street himself, I sigh and pull in my own shoes before grabbing an apple and running out the door after him "Frakie! Hey wait up" I called, Frann didn't stop as he walked around the corner, I jogged slightly to catch up, as I turned the corner I saw Frank running as fast as he could around another corner and down another street, I furrowed Kyle yes bored and I just walked the same direction to school.

When I was at school, Frank asked to live seats from me so he could "see the notes" move  from where I was sat with him.

He avoided me in between classes and during lunch, I was hurt, I sat in the corner of the diner by myself at a table that held 8, a few populars kicked me out from my spot and I had to sit on the floor in the corner of the cafeteria.

I love over to the other side and see Frank sat with what seemed to be the populars.

I didn't ever think Frank would ever do this, it was strange considering a couple days ago he couldn't keep his lips off me, now he didn't even look at me.

Have I lost my only friend?

Pastel and Punk (Frerard)Where stories live. Discover now