Anger and Disapointment

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I sat at the basement door, it had been quiet for a while now, I sniffled as my stomach started to hurt from hunger and I was dying for a cigarette.

I started to sob quietly due to the pain I felt in my head and stomach, soon the front door opened and I heard Jenny call out the house.

Franks pov

I was laid on the couch when I woke up suddenly, my head was pounding and I looked around the room, it wasn't too messy quite a few bottles scattered around and the floor was quite dirty but nothing I couldn't fix.

"Frank, Gerard, we're back"

My heart sank into my stomach as I realised my house was untidy from last night AND Gerard was still in the basement.

I ran out to the hall and greeted my moms "hey, hows grandpa, is he doing good" I asked with a small smile, I was nervous, Gerard hadn't made any noise yet, I really hope he didn't.

Gerard's pov

I started banging on the door and begging them to let me out, the tears falling down my face quickly, I just wanted to go to bed.

The door unlocked and opened and I ran into Jenny's arms "oh thank god" I sobbed out, I felt a soft arm wrap around me and a free hand go to my hair "oh Gerard what happened"

I sniffled and shook my head as Linda started questioning Frank "did you have a party while we were gone" she asked in shock, Frank tried to protest "oh so you're gonna try saying it was Gerard that threw a party and it was all his idea, Frank you've clearly locked him in the basement for god knows how long" Linda yelled she couldn't believe her son would do this, Jenny took me into the living room and sat me down, I couldn't stop shaking and sobbing "Gerard please tell me what happened"

I explained everything that happened from when they left up until they came back "I-I just wanna go to bed" I whispered, Jenny nods her head and let me go upstairs.

I awkwardly walk past Linda and Frank who were arguing in the hall, Linda stopped and grabbed my wrist, I'm as worried I was gonna get yelled at as well "are you alright Gerard" she asked, I nod my head "I'm fine, I just wanna go to sleep" I said before she gave me a hug and dismissed me.

I went up to my room and I was horrified to say the least, I gasped and looked around the room, it was trashed, people had went though my drawers and started ripping up clothes and putting cigarettes out on them.

My bookcase was knocked on its front, there was trash all over my floor and my bed had been flipped.

I quickly run downstairs "you let people in my room" I cried out, Frank furrowed his eyebrows "I didn't- oh no"

Linda and Jenny quickly followed me upstairs and we all just stare at the room in silence, the two woman walked around the room and looked at the damage to the room.

Frank was stood at my side, I looked at him sadly "w-why would you let people come in here"

His hand covered his mouth slightly as he looked around, tears fell down my face as I pushed him "answer me" I sobbed out.

Franks hakes his head "I-I didn't let anyone up here, I swear to god I'm not that horrible please I didn't intend all this to happen" he said desperately.

This was one of the worst days of my life, I quickly lived Uber to my bedside table where there was a picture of me and Mikey when we were kids, I saw a frame on the floor and picked it up, the frame had shattered and the picture was slightly ripped.

I sit on the floor, my back against the wall as I looked at the picture sadly, this was a time we were both happy.

"Frank that is it you are completely out of control, being an asshole to Gerard, throwing parties, locking people in basements, you let people trash his bedroom, any damages done you are paying for, you will also be cleaning this place up, he will sleep in your room until it is done"

I felt soft hands taking the picture from me "Gerard sweetie, go head into Franks room, you need some sleep" it was Jenny.

I nod my head and walk into the hall "I swear to god Frank, you're only 17 we can still fucking send you back"

Woah, maybe that was a little harsh.

But then maybe it wasn't, I head into Frank room before laying down in his bed, I snuggled under the covers and it was oddly comforting.

It didn't take me long to fall asleep, feeling a lot more comfortable in the bed than on the basement floor.

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