Hair Dye

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I was bored of my blond hair, I wanted to change it, I needed a change.

I wandered around the house and started on my chores, I was to clean the kitchen floor and wipe the counters.

When I got there, I saw Frank and sighed before tidying up the mess he had made from making his sandwich, I wanted to get my chores done so I could go out and get a box of hair dye with my allowance, I needed cigarettes as well, Frank kept taking far too many of mine.

Soon Frank started doing the dishes which made me feel a little uncomfortable.

"I-I'm gonna dye my hair today, do you maybe wanna come with me to chose a colour" I asked nervously, Frank scoffed "no"

I bite my lip "well, what colour should I dye it" I asked, Frank just ignored me making me sigh and continue with my chores.

"Frankie I-"

"No shut up Gerard, I'm not your fucking boyfriend, I'm not your fucking friend, I don't care what you go out to do and I don't care if you never come back, I kiss you so I can get cigarettes, you are nothing to me, now fucking leave me alone"

I watched as he walked away I fiddled with my fingers and frowned before turning away to see the sink was drained and now all I had to also was the floors.

Tears fell down my face as I cleaned the floor, I then walked upstairs when I got there I nearly bumped into Frank, he tried to grab me but I quickly move past him and into my bedroom.

I pulled on my converse before grabbing my phone and money "give me cigarettes" Frank said as he walked into the room, I took out out the packet and put it behind my ear before throwing the pack at him forcefully "fucking take them then, you're a fucking asshole Frank, I don't mean anything to you remember, so just leave me alone" I yelled as tears fell down my face.

Frank looked down at the floor where the cigarettes had fallen and I pushed past him to get out of the room.

I went back to see Patrick and got more cigarettes, this time having to pay for them but I didn't mind, I then made my way to the drugstore where I found a box of black hair dye, that would be quite different, I'd like to take a drastic change.

When I got back Jenny was in the kitchen "hello Gerard, where have you been" she said with a smile, she was making a salad for herself, I shrug and smiled "went to the store, I bought hair dye, wanted to change it up"

I showed her the box and she smiled "oh Gee, that's gonna look amazing, would you like some help, I'm a hair dresser I could give your hair a little trim too" she said, I grinned and nod my head "yeah, that would be real cool" I said excitedly.

"Ok well I'm making some lunch for everyone, we can start after we all eat, I've got to bleach Franks sides again"

Once we all ate dinner and Franks hair was finished he was dismissed and he quickly left the house.

"Ok Gerard it's killing me to ask, what's going on with Frank, aren't you guys friends anymore"

I explained everything that's been happening with Frank from our first kiss to when we got beat in the halls, now to when I get beaten on the halls, and he watches it happen all because he's got a pretty girl on his arm.

"Maybe he just didn't like guys at all o-or maybe...he just didn't like me" I said softly.

Jenny hummed "I've never seen him act like this before, he's always been so sweet, I don't understand what's changed, but don't worry, it'll all work out in the end"

I smile and nod my head softly, we chit chat for a little while longer before I was told to wash the dye out my hair then come back down to get shaped.

Nice I was done I smiled and hugged Jenny "thank you so much" I said with a grin, Jenny smiled "you're welcome sweetheart, next time you wanna change your hair colour or need a small cut, just let me know"

I nod before heading up to my bedroom, I changed from my clothes into a large hoodie and shorts before laying in bed until dinner was ready.

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