Make It Right

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I woke up to a soft kiss being placed on my forehead, my eyes flutter open and I see Frank sitting on the edge of my bed.

I let our a soft grunt and sit up "Frank, what are you doing in here" I asked he smiled shyly "I just wanted to see you before I go to school, I'm a little nervous ya know, I wish you could come with me" he said softly, I shrug and snuggle back into bed "I don't as much as I wanna start building our bond back up I think we shouldn't be spending every second of every day together" I said as I placed my hand on his, he nods his head "yeah, you're right, I just wanted to see you before I left, I'm scared"

I sit up again and take both his hands in mine "I promise, you'll be ok and if you need me then call me please" I said softly, I caressed his cheek and pecked his lips softly.

I look over his outfit, black and white striped shirt, ripped back jeans, black converse and a black beanie on his head "I think this is my favourite outfit I've seen you wear"

Frank chuckled "thanks Gerard" he said I checked the time "what time are you leaving"

Frank checked his phone "uh mom is taking me in 15 minutes"

I nod my head and lay down yet again, Frank picked my stuffed bear off the floor and put it in my arms "you look really beautiful" he whispered, I blushed and buried my head into the bear.

Frank chuckled and kissed my cheek "anyway, I best get breakfast before I leave, I'll see you later yeah"

I nod my head "text me when you need me" he nods his bead before leaving the room.

It's 8:25, I'm going back to sleep.


"Gerard, hey Gerard wake up"

My eyes snapped open to seeing Frank, I furrowed my eyebrows and check the time 4:05pm.

I must have fallen asleep after my chores "are you ok" he asked softly, I nod my head and make grabby hands towards him "I'm sleepy"

Frank kicked his shoes off before slipping into the bed with me, I scoot closer to him and snuggle into his chest, he kissed my head while his arms wrap around my waist "what did you get up to today huh, have you been a lazy boy"

I shake my head "I done my chores, I've got more to do now since I don't go to school a-and I baked cookies, I planted the rest of my flowers and went for a bubble bath"

I closed my eyes and gripped his shirt slightly "how was school" I asked, Frank grunts and laid down a little more "everyone are being assholes, there's rumours going around about you and about me and about us, but no one really spoke to me, more whispered about me" he replied, I nod my head and kissed his cheek "it'll be ok" I whispered, Frank smiled "of course it will be, while I've got you in my life everything will be ok"

The words Frank spoke made my heart flutter but I couldn't be sure this wasn't a joke or not.

Frank laid his head on my chest and sighed "you're real warm Gee"

I smiled and play with the little bits of hair that stuck out from his beanie, he pulled the covers more over his shoulders as he snuggled into me more.

He was so god damn cute when he was like this, I thought it was me that was submissive and clingy but right now it was Frank.

I giggled when climbed on top of me fully, his legs either side of mine, our chests pressed tightened and his head laid on my shoulder "hey, what's all this about" I said as I run my hands up and down his back, he hummed "wanted to be closer to you, you're nice and warm"

I turn my head towards his and bite my lip "kiss me" I whispered, Frank smirks and hovered above me "why should I" he said cheekily making me roll my eyes "because I really want you to kiss me and you've got a lot of making up to do"

Franks smirk turned into a soft smile "anything for you Gee"

He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine, I sigh and wrap my arms around his neck.

Our lips moved slowly and softly together, as if we were both fragile and would break at any second.

He sighed against my lips and pulled away slightly "you're so beautiful" he whispered, our foreheads pressed together "I don't think I've even been so attracted to someone before" he adds on.

I blush and turn my head away "wait baby, don't look away from me" I heart flutters at the nickname and I giggle "maybe we could go for another late night walk huh, I enjoyed it last night"

Frank agreed "that would be quite nice" he replied before pecking my lips again, soon we were called down to dinner, Frank took my hand and pulled me down stairs, I giggled softly as he kept holding my hand until we got ti the table.

God this was amazing.

But what if it was all just a joke.

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