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I curled under my covers and gasped as lightning flashed outside my window.

God I hate thunderstorms.

I couldn't sleep, the rain was pounding off my window and the wind was scaring me even more.

I quickly slipped out of bed and opened my bedroom door.

I gulped and thought if it was the best idea to intrude on Frank right now.

But a large rumble from outside brought tears to my eyes and I decided to walk straight in.

Frank was in bed watching movies, he looked over at me and smiled "hey, I thought you had fallen asleep cutie"

I blushed at the nickname as I walked over to the bed "I uh, couldn't sleep" I said embarrassed, I was 17 years old and terrified of the fucking weather.

A large flash of lightening struck and I gasped and jumped, Frank smiled at me softly "come here baby, I'll protect you" he said as he budges up the bed, he opens the covers for me and I climbed inside.

"Thank you Frankie, im sorry if I keep you awake" I whispered, he kissed my forehead and played with my hair "it's Christmas break anyway, doesn't really matter if you keep me away"


The next day I woke up to breakfast in bed, I was confused to begin with but I noticed the dark messy room belonged to Frank, he sat the plate of eggs and bacon on my lap and a mug of coffee int he nightstand.

"What's all this Frankie" I asked, he kissed my forehead "it's breakfast silly, I thought I'd make you breakfast and start the day off nice"

I check the time 11:37.

I hummed and started eating my breakfast "hey do you maybe wanna go out to dinner with me tonight" he asked nervously, I stop eating for a minute "where abouts"

He shrugged "I dunno, there's an Italian restaurant about 30 minutes from here, we could go there, get ice cream after"

I smile and nod in  agreement "ok, sure, it's a date"

Frank chuckled and kissed my cheek "would you like to spend the day with me, I need to run to the store for cigarettes, I could get you a pack as well" I said softly, Frank nods his head "ok yeah sounds fun"

I wrap one of my hands around his biceps "but you have to do something for the cigarettes" I said with a smirk before moving my plate to the side.

Frank chuckled "please don't say what I think you're gonna say" he replied, I giggled "ok then I'm not gonna say it, but you know that I wanna say"

Frank rolled his eyes playfully and kissed me roughly, I gasp as he pulled me onto him, he laid back and I straddled his waist, a soft groan escaped Franks lips as he put his hand on the back of my head, he flipped us over roughly I squealed and gasped.

He hovered above me and smirked "come on, let's go get some cigarettes"


Me and Frank went out for our lunch/dinner, it was so romantic "I think my moms put up the decorations" he said softly as he pulled me into the house.

There were in fact decorations all around the house, I smiled as Frank picked up a hat and put it on my head "baby boy, you look so cute"

I blush at the nickname making Frank grin "I wanted to give you a new nickname and I'm glad you reacted like that"

I roll my eyes playfully and walked into the living room, the tree looked beautiful and the room was decorated perfectly, very homely.

Frank leaned against the door frame and smiled as I looked around the room, I walk over and hug him tightly.

He hugged me back and buried his head into my neck "you're the best thing that ever happened to me a-and I treated you so badly, I'm so sorry Gerard" he whispered before pulling his head back.

He looked up then back to me with a smirk, I furrow my eyebrows and look up, I blush before look at his with a shy smile "mistletoe" I whispered.

I caress his cheek softly before he leaned in and kissed me.

I kissed back with fire and passion, we held each other right as Franks tongue slipped into my mouth.

Frank pulled away abruptly and put his hands on the sides of my face "I need to tell you something" he whispered.

I gulped and nod my head "o-ok"

Frank pecked my lips and pulled away after a couple of seconds "I love you Gerard Way"

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