Hurt Feelings

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The next day I woke up to my alarm signalling that it was time to get up and ready for school.

I make a quick move to the bathroom and lock the door before turning on the shower and stripping from my hoodie and panties.

Once I got under the hot shower I sighed with relieve before washing my hair and body, I didn't really wanna get out the shower but I had to.

I wrapped the towel around my waist and then walked into my bedroom to pick out a cute little outfit.

I decided to wear a pair of light blue overalls, the were short shorts kinda style, he paired that with a white hoodie, white converse and a flower crown once I dried my hair.

My bedroom door opened revealing Frank "turn that god damn hair dryer off you faggot" I sighed and ignored him so I could pick up my school bag.

I went down stairs to start making myself some cereal and grabbing an apple too.

I was soon joined by Frank who made the messy scruffy style look sexy as fuck.

He sat down opposite me and took my bowl of cereal, I whined in protest before Frank stuck up the middle finger "this is my cereal, go buy your own, you're living here for free when you're meant to be out of the streets, so you get the shit food"

I sighed and picked up my apple, Frank stared at me as I was ready to take a bite, I look at him before sighing on and replacing it with a older apple, it's still decent enough to eat.

After I picked that one up Frank went back to my cereal.

Once I finished my apple I pulled my cigarettes out and took one for myself "hey, give me one" Frank demanded.

I roll my eyes and just leave the house, I'm not supplying him with smokes if he's being mean to me.

When I got to school I was shoved against lockers, punched in the face, even got kicked in the balls today, that doesn't happen very often.

I sat in the corner of the cafeteria, I didn't buy lunch, not after Megan and her friends called me fat before I got here.

I just pulled a book out of my bag and started reading, it was called 'straight jacket' and it had lgbt characters in it, mostly gay men, of course I'm gonna read it, it is actually my favourite book.

Soon it was ripped from my hands, I quickly tried to get it back and looked up to see Frank smirking down at me "what the fuck is this" he said with a glare before reading the back.

He chuckled and looked back down at me "of course a faggot like you would read something like this"

I launched my hands forward and tried to grab it but I was too late, Frank chuckled as he started ripping pages out of the book, I tried to grab it back out he pushed me onto the floor as he ripped the pages into tiny pieces.

"My grandma got me that book" I whispered with tears burning my eyes, Frank shrugged "that's what you get for not giving me cigarettes" he said before throwing what remained of the book at me.

I started picking up the pages and ripped up pieces, once I got most of it I walked over to the trash can and put them in.

I left the cafeteria and snuck around to the back of the school so I could smoke a cigarette.

Half way through I was pushed against the wall again and was face with Frank "so is this how we're gonna do it, I only get a cigarette if I make out with you, how pathetic" he said before kissing my roughly.

I whined and kissed back just as roughly, one of his hands lifted my thigh and rested under it, he slipped his tongue into my mouth making my gasp slightly before sliding my tongue against his.

He then pulled away too quickly, I felt forward slightly as he pulled away completely.

I slowly pulled out my cigarettes and handed him one, he took it before walking away.

I just can't wrap my head around this, why is he being so mean to me, calling me a faggot but giving me kisses in exchange for cigarettes, I'm not asking to be kissed he's just doing it.

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