I Love You

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"I love you Gerard Way"

My lips parted and tears burned my eyes "do you really mean that"

There was a couple seconds of silence, I felt like I was gonna cry "of course I do, I-I understand if you don't feel the same way but I've been feeling this way ever since that dinner disaster, when I had to come find you"

My heart melts and I bite my lip "oh my god, I love you too" I whispered, Franks worried face turned into a massive grin "fuck yeah come here" he said excitedly.

I pressed my lips to his with force and he kissed back roughly, he backed be up about a step and a half before I was pressed against the frame, a soft groan escaped Frank lips as he pushed his hips harder against mine, I could feel his erection against the inside of my thigh.

We heard someone clear their throat and Frank jumped, he pulled away slowly and looked to the side "uh, sorry mama"

I gulped "sorry Jenny"

She chuckled "I don't care about that, I care about the fact you're blocking the door and I can't get to the tv" she explained.

I giggle as Frank let out a sigh of relief "let's go upstairs Gee"

Once we were at the top of the stairs Franks arms wrapped around my waist as he pushed me back into Franks bedroom "now, where were we" he said lowly with a smirk.

Once we were a couple steps inside he kicked the door shut, his lips attached to my neck and a soft gasp escaped my lips.

"You're so beautiful, I love you so much" he mumbled against my neck, I ran my fingers thought his hair "oh god I love you Frankie" I whispered out.

Frank backed me up for their into the room until my legs hit his bed "Frankie, wait" I said worriedly, Frank put his hands on my waist and frowned "what's wrong baby boy" he asked.

I blushed and smiled a little "ok I love when you call me that, but I don't think I'm ready to go all the way tonight" I explained.

Frank shrugged with a small smile "I wasn't planning on going all the way with you tonight, I was just thinking we could mess around a little"

I blush and bite my lip, messing around with Frankie sounds awesome.

I nod my head with a slight blush before he pushed me back on the bed "you look so hot in that skirt baby boy"

I moan softly as Frank started spreading my legs to the side, putting my feet up on the edge of the bed, he pushed my skirt back and he let out a groan "white lace huh" he mumbled as he started unbuckling his belt.

He unbuttoned and unzipped his pants and pushed them down to his ankles and stepped out of them "now, let's have some fun"


I pulled Franks hoodie over my head and pull my panties on, I had just gotten out of the shower and Frank was currently in the shower.

I pulled the covers over my legs and pull out my phone, I scroll through Instagram and twitter, seeing what all the latest celebrity drama is.

I almost jumped out my skin when the door opened, I was so focused on my phone, Frank chuckled and dried off his hair, he worse a pair of tight boxers and I thought he was gonna put more clothes on but I was proved wrong when he climbed into bed.

I blushed and smiled shyly before putting my phone down "so like I was wondering if...I dunno if you wanna be my boyfriend" he asked with a slight blush.

I giggle and nod my head "I'd love to be your boyfriend" I whispered, my arms wrapped around his waist "by the way, your body is insane oh my god"

I blushed as he ran his hands up and down my thighs "so fucking beautiful" he mumbled.

He pulled me onto his lap making me giggle loudly "Frankie" I squeaked out, his hands running all around my body making me blush even more at the compliments spewing from his mouth.

"I love you Gerard" he whispered, his head resting on my shoulder, I played with his hair softly and kissed his forehead "I love you too Frank"

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