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Gerard's pov

"Hey come to the bathroom with me" Frank said out of the blue, I furrowed my eyebrows and he sighed "it's so we know each other are safe, I don't wanna go away and you get beat again"

I sigh in understanding "oh I get it now" I said before standing up with him and heading to the bathrooms.

I check my hair in the mirror and play around with it a little "so I had to put my skirt in when I got to school, if my father saw me I'd be killed" I said before looking down at the pink skirt, I giggle and flatten it out.

Frank came over and started washing his hands as the door opened "god damn faggots trying to get your dicks sucked in the bathrooms, you're disgusting, I outta beat the shit out of you"

I quickly grabbed Gerard and put him behind me "just be careful, if you touch us you might get infected with the gay" I said sarcastically.

Tim looked at us in disgust and walked out the bathroom, I chuckled "Woah I can't believe that worked" I said with a chuckle.

Frank turned around and smiled "well they're dumb enough to believe it so I just gave it a go" he replied with a chuckle.

I sat on the counter "I was so scared to leave the house with my skirt on I can't believe I had to change at school, that's how safe I feel in my house" I said sadly, Frank shrugs and lean against the wall with a smile "well you look really pretty anyway"

I held my arms out "gimme a hug" I said, Frank walked over and stood between my legs and wrapped his arms around my waist, my heart was beating out of my chest, I could feel his too, our heart beats matched.

I blush as I felt Franks hands run up and down my back as he let out a deep sigh, once we pulled away I gulp before putting my hands on the side of his face and pressing my lips against his.

I gasp a second later and pull away, Franks eyes were slightly closed and he looked shocked, I start to panic as I jump off the counter "I'm so sorry, oh god"

I quickly run out the door and start sprinting down the street, my lungs were burning as I ran to my house, tears fell down my face and streaked across my face as I ran.

I choked back a sob as I got to my house, I just ruined the only friendship I've had in years.

I ran up to my bedroom and buried myself under the covers "why am I so stupid" I cried out, my sobs getting louder and louder.

I sniffled and held my pillow tight "you're sos typos Gerard" I whispered to myself.

"I don't think your stupid"

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