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When mom got home I told her about the new neighbours had invited us over, and I accepted on our behalf.

She accused me of saying her cooking wasn't good enough and that she wasn't good enough for me.

I assured her that wasn't the case but she scolded me and sent me up to my room to change.

I put on a white skirt the stopped just above the knees and a pastel pink jumped tucked inside, I decided I'd put of a nice white flower crown too.

I pulled on my white thigh highs before walking down stairs to grab my white converse.

Mom looked at me disappointed and scoffed "I swear Gerard, you being shame onto this family, you worship the devil in spite of us"

I rolled my eyes as I looked towards the door "come on let's go"

We made the very short walk to the house next door and knocked, mom and dad made sure to leave me behind, they had Mikey in front, my father practically shielding me, obviously embarrassed.

When I walked inside Jenny smiled "I like your outfit Gerard" she said with a small grin, I smile "thank you, I really like it too"

When we got into the living room Jenny sat next to Linda with a smile "this is my wife Linda and this is our son Frank"

Frank nervously shifted beside his mothers as he looks up through his hair.

"Hmmm I see" mom said with a slight discomforting look, Linda smiled "Frank, why don't you take Mikey and Gerard up to your room and get to know each over a little better"

Mikey scoffed "I'll stay here thanks" I sighed softly and gave him a dirty look which he gratefully returned.

I stood up and followed Frank down the hall and up the stairs.

Once we got to his room I started looking around while he shut the door, he had band posters everywhere and the room was kinda dark but it suited him.

"Y-you can sit if you wanna" he said awkwardly, I kicked off my shoes and sat on the edge of his bed.

We sat in silence for a couple of minutes while I looked around his room "you like misfits huh" I said softly before looking at him, he blushed and nods his head "I guess"

I smiled "I like misfits too"

Frank looked up at me and smiled "really, what's your favourite song" he asked, I licked my lips and smiled softly "Saturday night"

Franks eyes widened a bit "oh my god same"

I grinned as we spoke more about them, I started to realised I actually had a lot in common with Frank, even if I didn't look like I did.

"I-I like your skirt" I heard Frank mumbled, I looked down at it and smiled "thank you, my mother hates it" I said with a chuckle.

Frank frowned slightly "why does she hate it" he asked, I shrug and shake my head "never mind, do you like video games" I try to switch the subject and was happy when Frank didn't question me any further.

Frank nods "yeah I like video games" he said before pointing over at his Xbox and various other games "we should play to get her sometime"

There was a moment of silence before Frank suddenly spoke "are you gay"

My heart kinda fell but I'd rather tell him now than later and it ruin everything "uh yeah, I'm gay"

Frank hummed "how did you figure it out" he asked, I shrugged "I kissed a couple of girls, wasn't really into it though, then I kissed a guy and it was one of the best god damn kissed if my life a-and I've kinda slept with a couple of guys, figure out some things"

Frank smirked at me "come on, you gotta tell me now" he said making me furrow my eyebrows "tell you what" I asked, Frank rolled his eyes playfully "come on, are you a top or bottom"

I blushed deeply and giggled "I wear skirts, what do you think" I replied, Frank hummed again "ok, I'm sorry for getting too personal I'm just a very nosey person"

I chuckle "that's alright, I'm pretty nosey too" I replied.

Pastel and Punk (Frerard)Where stories live. Discover now