Wait What!

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"Hey mom I've brought someone home for dinner" I heard Frank said from the hall before the door shut "oh hello, you're beautiful, welcome to our home" Linda said before leading Frank and the mystery person into the kitchen, I sat there as I look at the door to see fucking Megan.

Megan was such a bitch, she made everyone feel bad for liking the simplest things

I rolled my eyes at her and she rolled her eyes at me, once everyone sat down Linda and Jenny started a conversation with Frank and Megan.

I just mind my own business "so are you guys dating or just friends" Jenny asked making my heart start beating out my chest, I don't dare to look up from the plate.

"Oh yeah we're dating, Frankie asked me out at school yesterday and I always thought he was cute from the minute I saw him and yeah, he asked I said yes" Megan said happily, I felt sick, I didn't wanna be here anymore.

I gulped and pushed my plate forward a little but I tired not to let it show that I was bothered but Linda caught on.

She gave me a small smile before asking me how my day was, I replied with a simple nod and a 'good' before looking back down at my hands.

Dinner continues as normal but I don't eat anymore, I just sat there waiting, knowing I wasn't allowed to leave the table until everyone was finished.

But lucky for me everyone was nearly finished "yeah best not to eat anymore huh Gerard, you're hips are getting a little big there" Megan said lowly, Frank chuckled as I looked up at them, I look over to see Linda and Jenny engulfed into their own conversation, they were very deep into it and I don't think anything's gonna take them out of it at the moment.

"Aw I'm sorry, have I upset the faggot, you're pathetic" she said with a glare, I look at Frank who is also glaring at me "I-I..."

"Shut up fag, I don't wanna hear you talk"

I looked down and bite my lip, don't talk anymore, not to them anyway, Frank leaned over and started kissing Megan, I felt like I would be sick.

I quickly got up from the table and went up to my bedroom and put on my shoes.

Once I came downstairs Jenny was waiting "Gerard sweetie whats wrong" she said worriedly, I sniffled "I-I just need to go for a walk and whatever you do don't mention it in front of Frank and Megan, p-please, I can't let them know especially F-Frank"

Jenny nods her head "ok yeah, just remember and be home on time" she said softly, I sniffled and nod my head.

I soon left the house and once I was around the corner I started sprinting to the familiar corner shop "oh hello Gerard, I haven't seen you in a while"

I let the tears fall down my face as I told Patrick everything that happened.

Patrick listened, as I told him what happened, Patrick turned around and grabbed a pack of cigarettes "here, on the house"

I wiped my tears "thank you Patrick, thank you so much" I said thankfully, he also handed me a lighter "don't worry about it, my advise to you is just let this play out, he is obviously scared of who he really is and what people think of him now, he's changed his whole personality so he can fit in, I promise you, it will all work out and if ,and it's a very big if, he turns out not to be gay you can't change him, someone else will come along and they will treat you like a princess" he said calmly.

I nod my head and thank him once more before I leave the small store.

As soon as I walked outside I lit a cigarette and took a long drag, I smoked ever now and then but I just really needed one.

I walked back to the house slowly, I smoked 3 cigarettes one after another.

Once I got back to the house I tucked the lighter into the packet and hid the pack in the side of my panties, hopefully no one would question and they wouldn't fall out onto the ground.

Once I shut the door, Linda and Jenny called me into the living room, I gulp before walking through "y-yeah"

They both look at me "we understand that you're upset about Frank, this was the last thing I expected too, but next time you leave the table you must ask to be excused"

I nod my head "I'm sorry" I replied softly, Jenny and Linda nod they're heads and say that it was ok.

Then Frank came into the room "why does it smell like smoke in here" he said with a glare, I avoid eye contact with everyone as Franks moms agreed with him.

Soon I felt all their eyes on me "no smoking in your room Gerard but you may put an ashtray out back and smoke there just do not throw them across the yard" I nod my head before I announced I was tired and going to bed.

Once I was in the hall I took the packet out from under my skirt and held them in my hand, all of a sudden I was pushed against the wall "give me one" Frank demanded, I shake my head and try to get away.

The last think I expected was for Frank to press his lips to mine, I couldn't help but kiss back, it was like a drug and god knows if I'd ever get it again.

His arms around my waist tightened as I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly as I sigh, it was far too soon before Frank pulled away, my eyes half lidded as he took a cigarette from my packet and walked away.

My heart was beating out of my chest and I had no idea what to take from this scene.

Frank just cheated on his girlfriend.

But I don't think he really cares.

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