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I started sobbing as Frank took me into the house, his arm wrapped tightly around my waist as he carried some in my clothes as well.

Once I get inside I started to cry harder Frank took me up to his room and I sat on his bed, frank took my dirty clothes and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me onto his lap.

I hug him right and bury my face into his neck "oh god what am I gonna do" I whispered, Frank kissed my cheek "it's ok, we've got a plan, my moms are gonna explain it to you but basically, y-you're gonna live here for a while"

I hug him tighter "where will I sleep" I asked, Frank chuckled "in here with me silly, unless you want me to sleep on the couch"

I shake my head "that sounds nice" I replied with a small, sad smile.

There was a knock on the door and I climbed off Franks lap before he yelled 'come in'.

Linda and Jenny came inside and smiled at me "has Frank told you our plan" I wipe my eyes and shake my head "not really"

Linda smiled and sat next to me "so we've came to a decision that you're gonna live with us until you are able to afford an apartment if your own, but you will have the same rules as Frank, be home by 12 if you're going out, you will have daily chores, you will attend school unless we think it's inappropriate, during the summer you will get a part time job and drugs will not be tolerated under this roof"

I nod my head in understanding as Jenny kneeled down in front of me "once a week we get take out and we've decided that tonight should be that night, you can pick, what would you like"

I smile and fiddle with my fingers "pizza, if that's alright with you guys too" I replied, Linda stood up "of course, is pepperoni ok"

I nod my head and they both leave the room, Frank turned to me and took my hand "I told you we'd figure it out"

I smile and nod my head "yeah, you were right, thank you Frankie"

He circled his thumb on the back of my hand and I giggle softly, he chuckled and scooted closer "ya know, I was thinking we could pick up where we left off, since we were so rudely interrupted, we can finally be alone"

I blushed deeply and looked down at my lap "I-I guess we can" I giggled before Frank curled his index finger under my chin and pushed my head up slightly, he looked deep in my eyes before pressing his lips to mine.

I kiss back softly as he laid me back, he wasn't forceful he was gentle, his hand was on my hip while his other forearm propped him up slightly, my arms wrapped around his neck loosely.

After a couple seconds Frank pulled away and kissed my cheek "you're so pretty, will you..."

Frank blushed as we sat up again "wear my hoodie to bed tonight, I-I think you'd look real cute in it" he replied.

I blush and nod my head, Frank got off the bed and rushed over to his drawer, he smiled when he pulled out a dark grey hoodie "here" he said excitedly, I blushed as he looked down at me but soon turned around "sorry, I forgot"

I slip out of my shirt and pull it over my head I then took off my skirt and then realised I didn't have anything to put on the bottom half, I blushed and sat on the bed "ok, I'm done"

Frank turned around and sat on the bed neck to me "oh my god you look so cute" he said as he pulled me onto his lap, I blushed as Frank looked down, his hoodie was pretty big, but still didn't cover me enough "oh uh, do you wanna go under the covers or something, t-to cover yourself up"

I nod and get off his lap before pulling the covers over my legs, Frank also changed from his clothes and just laid in his boxers, it make me blush but it was ok, it was his bed after all.


I woke up the next morning to a unfamiliar room, then I remembered everything that happened last night, me and Frank cuddling, all comfy and patiently waiting for us to be told the pizza was there, when it was Frank brought me up a couple slices.

We spent the rest of the night cuddling and making out, I smile at the memory and turn to look at Frank but find that he's gone.

I frowned and pick up my phone to check the time, 11:45, I gasped as I realised I've missed school, I quickly run down stairs and find Frank making coffee "good morning sweetie, I made you coffee" he said with a smile, I furrowed my eyebrows "shouldn't we be in school" I said worriedly.

Frank shakes his head "my moms called in for us, we've got until next week off, they left us money to get paint for the spare bedroom, you'll be sleeping in there now"

I nod my head in understanding  and walk over to him "does that mean you want me to back off or something"

Frank shakes his head and pecks my lips "please don't, I like having you around" he said before reaching over and handing my coffee over to me, I thanked him before taking a sip "hmmmm yummy"

Frank pecked my lips before pulling away "you're cute".

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