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I changed from my dirty clothes and put on a large yellow hoodie and white jeans.

I opened the door to head down to the kitchen and I jumped when I saw Frank "y-you really did it huh" he mumbled, he couldn't even look at me, I shrug "you done it to me first" was all I could reply with.

I moved past him and went down stairs, I didn't feel as bad now, because he made my reputation so much worse after he left me to be popular.

"Gerard please, wait"

I didn't wait for him I just walked into the kitchen and made myself some lunch "wait, Gerard please can we talk" he said desperately.

I shrug "I dunno Frank, you didn't seem too up for it when I wanted to talk to you" I replied, I felt arms wrapped around my waist "please Gerard, I'm so sorry" he begged.

I put my hands on his wrists and removed them from my waist "no Frank, just leave me alone"

I walk up to the bedroom deciding I didn't wanna eat, I just wanted to be left alone.


It was later on, I decided I couldn't hold back anymore I needed to eat something.

I walk softly down the stairs and then I heard sobbing in the living room "mama he hates me, he hates me and I'm trying to make it better"

"Well Frank what do you expect, you locked him in the basement for hours on end, you abandoned him when he needed you most Frank, you've got a lot to make up for" Jenny said calmly, I heard a soft sniffle and shuffling "you love him don't you" Jenny asked softly, a loud sobbed racked Franks body "yeah, I-I do, but he fucking hates me, I-I fucking hate myself"

I sighed and gulped before walking into the kitchen, I wasn't getting guilt tripped into forgiving him, to be honest I don't think I could ever forgive him for what he done.

But maybe we could learn to move past it.


It was 2am, I couldn't sleep, I was tossing and turning, I soon gave up and sighed, I heard a soft knock at the door which made me jump.

I walk over and open it, Frank is stood there in sweat pants and a hoodie "d-do you maybe wanna go for a walk with me" he asked nervously.

I look down at my clothes, large hoodie and shorts, I smile softly "let me change"

I pull on a pair of jeans and my white sneakers, I grab my cigarettes and meet Frank out in the hall, we sneak down stairs and figured that the back door was the quietest door to open, we closed the door behind us and I breathed in the late night air.

"You're moms are gonna kill us if we get caught" I said softly, Frank chuckled "yeah, b-but it's worth it if I get to spend time with you"

I blush as he took my hand and leads me out the back yard.

We walk for a while in silence until we set eyes on a park "I know I'm 17 but I really wanna go play"

Frank chuckled and pulled me along "come on then" he said, his toes were still broken so he couldn't move too fast.

When we got there I sat on the swing and started to swing myself slowly, Frank done the same, making sure not to hurts his toes.

"I can swing higher than you" I said with a giggle before swinging more.

"That's not fair I can't compare to that right now" he said before stopping.

I jump from the swing and land on both feet, Frank chuckled and walked over "I won" I said with a cheeky grin, I hug him and giggle, he chuckled and hugged me back "I didn't realise it was a competition" he said "I would kick your ass at running, but I can't because of my foot"

I pulled away "ok whatever you say" I rolled my eyes playfully, he takes my hand and leads me over to a bench "on I need to rest" he said softly, I nod my head as we sit down, I pulled out a cigarette and light it.

Frank scoots closer to me, his arm on the back of the bench, I bite my lip and slide over a little more, his arm practically wrapped around me, he smiled and moved his hand onto my shoulder, his arm now officially around my shoulders.

"Im really sorry about everything that happened Gerard, I-I don't think I can apologise enough but...I'm gonna make it up to you" he said softly, I nod my head and smiled at him "that would be nice"

After another half hour I found myself getting tired, we started a slow walk back to the house and snuck inside quietly.

Frank took my hand and leads me upstairs, when we got to the meet between our bedroom doors Frank chuckled "I feel like I've just taken you on a date and I'm walking you to your front door" he whispered.

I giggled softly before kissing his cheek "good night Frankie"

I open my bedroom door and walk inside, I went to shut it but Frank stopped me "wait" he whispered.

I furrowed my eyebrows but it all became clear when he put his hands on the sides of my face and kissed me softly, I sigh and put my hand on his biceps as our lips moved together slowly.

After about 10 seconds we pulled away "ok, yeah goodnight Gerard" he said softly, I giggled and shut the door behind him.

That night I had the best night sleep I've had in a long time.

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