Oh No

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"I don't think you're stupid"

I gasp and turn around "please don't hate me" I whispered, I got off the bed and flattened out my skirt "if you're here to tell me you don't like me just get it over and done with so I can go back to what I was doing" I replied, I couldn't look at him, I was gonna cry when he told me.

There was silence and I felt my breathing getting heavier and shallower, all of a sudden I felt two hands on the sides of my head "I change my mind, you are stupid" he said while shaking his head.

Tears burned my eyes as I looked up at him sadly.

"You're so stupid you can't see how much I like you"

Franks lips were pressed to mine, my eyes widened as I start to kiss back, his arms wrap around my ribcage and I slip my arms around his neck.

God I couldn't think about a better feeling than this, I felt like I was on cloud 9.

"Gerard why aren't you in sch-"

We pulled away from the kiss and gasped, gripping each other tight "oh my gosh, Gerard get away from that faggot"

I shake my head, mom gasped "you two are just a couple of fags" she said as she spat me a dirty look "you are not my son, get the hell out of my house"

I cried into Franks shoulder as he held me tight "shh shh shh, oh Gee, I'm so fucking sorry" he whispered, I hug him tight as my tears spill onto his shirt "get out!"

I flinched and took Franks hand and ran past my mother and down the stairs.

When we got outside I fell to the ground and started crying "oh god where am I gonna live"

Frank sat next to me and held me close "oh baby, I dunno but we'll figure it out I promise"

"Frank why did the school call me telling me you weren't in class"

I looked up and saw Linda "oh god she's gonna think I made you do this or something, she's gonna hate me" I started panicking and Frank furrowed his eyebrows "made me what"

I choked back a sob "made you gay, th-they're gonna be so mad"!I whispered, Frank chuckled softly "uh sweetheart I have two mothers" he said as Lindsay stepped in front of us "get your faggot son off my drive"

I started sobbing as my mothers words echoed across the street "your son is just as gay as mine, don't be a hypocrite"

"That thing is not my son, my son wouldn't wear faggy clothes and kiss boys oh no, he has been corrupted by your son, you guys have tore a perfect family apart"

I quickly got up from the ground and started running towards the woods, I had nowhere to sleep anyway, I might as well just keep running.

"Gerard please don't make me run again" I heard Frank yell, I stop, I don't think I can run anymore, I sit on the edge of the curb and put my head in my hands.

"Oh there you are, thank god I didn't need to run too far, come on my mama wants to talk to you" Frank said as he held his hand out to mine.

I sigh "can we just sit here for a minute" I whispered, Frank sat next to me and put his arm around my shoulder "of course we can"

After a little while Frank stood up and took my hand "come on, let's go back" I stood up and we walked a little slowly "I spoke to mom so it's kinda important we both go back"

When we got around the corner all I see are my things getting thrown out of my bedroom window and my old front door.

Linda and Jenny were already trying to grab stuff as quick as they could, I ran over as Mikey brought out a box "Mikey, what's going on" I said desperately, Mikey just roll his eyes and barged into me, I opened the box and threw out the contents into the garbage.

I looked over to see it was all my skirts and make up, I quickly started pulling it out and balling them up in my hands.

"Die in a fire you fucking faggot"

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