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Gerard's pov

The next morning I woke up with a groan, I pulled out my phone and scrolled through Instagram.

After about half a hour I decided to go in the shower and get dressed, I'd make the best out of my weekend, I've spent all week being attacked by everyone either verbally or physically.

When I went downstairs so see Linda and Jenny talking to Frank in the living room, I walk in and smile at them before sitting down "you know the rules Frank, we will be back tomorrow afternoon" Jenny said before kissing his forehead, Linda done the same.

"You both be good ok" Jenny said, Frank had a soft smile on his face "don't worry, we're gonna watch movies and order pizza"

We? As in me too.

I smiled softly as the left the house, I sigh and make my way into the kitchen to make myself some breakfast.

I made French toast for both me and Frank, I decided I'd try to get back on his good side.

He came into the kitchen just as I was finishing up, he saw the two plates and furrowed his eyebrows "you made some for me too" he asked.

I nod my head and give him the plate "enjoy" I said softly before turning around and cleaning up my mess.

Once I did I sat down on the other side of the table and started eating my own food.

Once we finished I took his plate and started washing it before washing my own.

"Uh thanks, I guess" he said before walking into the living room, after I cleaned up I followed him.

I sat on the same couch as him but not too close "so, what movies do you wanna watch" I asked with a small smile, he shrugged "I dunno, you pick"

I bite my lip and think "how about Star Wars" I asked worriedly, Frank smirked "you wanna watch Star Wars" he asked, I nod my head before he stood up "we'll come with me, all the Star Wars dvds are down in the basement, you can pick a couple"

I excitedly follow him before he unlocked the basement door and signalled for me to go first, I was a couple steps down as I turned on the lights "aren't you coming down, you could pick a couple too" I said with a small smile, Frank just smirked down at me "nah I'm good, enjoy the rest of your night" he said before slamming the door, my smile fell as quick as it got there as I heard the door get locked.

I quickly walk back up the few steps I had previously walked down and tried to open the door "wait Frank, what are you doing, I thought we were gonna watch movies and order pizza" I asked.

I heard a scoff in the other side of the door "I'm throwing a party and you're not gonna ruin it, you'll be in there until tomorrow morning, have fun" he said with a evil chuckle at the end.

I bang on the door and beg Frank to let me out and I'd stay in my room for the night, he said he didn't trust me not to come down stairs and ruin his party.

I started to cry softly when I heard people coming in, saying it's hood I wasn't there or I'd ruin the party, they called me a faggot and a lot of other names, through the night I would hear people yelling down to me insulting me, saying mean things.

I didn't even have my phone down here other wise I'd have called Jenny.

While I was down there I found old pictures of Frank and his family, I found pictures of the day Frank was adopted also his adoption papers "he was adopted at the age of 11" I whispered to myself, I look at 11 year old Frank, he looked so innocent, so sweet, my smile falls a little as I remember what I was like at age 11.

I was fat and everyone made fun of me, I had no friends because I wasn't cool enough apparently.

I sat there and thought for a while, I wish I could be cool like Frank was, then I'd have friends and be invited to parties.

I wouldn't be locked in a basement like a fucking looser.

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