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When I was called down for dinner I walked down the hall slowly when I got to the kitchen table I see Frank and Megan sat there too.

My good mood was instantly gone when I saw the two of them, I sit down and I am presented with a vegetarian meal, Megan scoffed "why is it always vegetarian here" she said annoyedly to Frank.

Frank glared "cause I'm vegetarian, already told you that" he said aggressively "you sound like a fucking faggot, just like him" she said before taking a bite from her food.

I just ignore them as I saw the horrified face coming from Linda, I just stayed quiet and started eating my food "god maybe you should slow down with your food Gerard, I can see you've changed your hair but not made a change to your weight, besides getting bigger" she said as she pushed her plate away.

Jenny looked over at me as I sighed and put my fork down "excuse me, don't be so rude, you are in our house, be respectful" she said sternly.

I saw Megan roll her eyes as conversation continues awkwardly, Linda asked how I was getting on at school and also asked Frank and Megan.

"Ya know what I can't stand being in this house babe, why do we always come here" Megan said to Frank angrily.

Frank rolled his eyes "because you're parents tried to feed be meat every time I'm at your place, I didn't ask you to come here with me, you fucking followed me"

The couple continued to argue making the whole room even more uncomfortable.

"No you always fucking start this bullshit" Frank yelled making everyone at the table cringe "are you fucking faggot Frank, are you exactly like him because you're certainly acting like it" Megan said angrily making Linda gasp and Jenny put her head in her hands, she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"I ain't no fucking faggot, don't you dare call me that" Frank yelled out "well how do I know you aren't going behind my back and being a faggot huh, you've got one living in your house"

I blushed and giggled slightly.

All eyes set on me, Linda and Jenny unsure how to react while Frank and Megan glared at me.

"Oh and what was that giggle for huh"

I bite my lip "it's just that, you're so insecure that you think I'm hooking up with Frank behind your back" that wasn't why I giggled.

I giggled because I knew Franks secret, he was kissing me randomly and he says it's only to get cigarettes.

But the way he kisses me, he sometimes seems like he doesn't wanna stop.

"No I feel like your turning him into another one of you besides, no one wants to see your ugly fat body"

I felt that right in the heart, that one did really hurt.

"You're such an embarrassment your whole family kicked you out of the house, they didn't want you and left you out on the streets, you have nothing and no one, you are an embarrassment to the human race and am embarrassment under gods eyes"

My lips parted and I felt like my ears were ringing, was I really that bad.

I stood up quickly before walking out of the kitchen, yelling coming from the kitchen before I slammed the door shut.

The tears fell down my face as I quickly walked down the street and to the park, maybe I'll just stay here for a while.

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