The Truth Is Told

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Gerard's pov

When we got back to the house me and Jenny brought in the half grown flowers and placed them on the back porch "I'm gonna plant them tomorrow after school"

Jenny turned to me "listen Gerard, me and Linda are thinking, we don't really know if we're comfortable with you going to school, I mean you can still go if you want but from how you get treated we feel like if we send you there, we're sending you to go get beaten and bullied, talking to teachers certainly won't help, I've had experienced that myself, so basically what I'm saying is, if you wanna drop out of school, you can but if you'd rather go to school then you can also do that"

My lips parted as I look at her "w-wait so, I can drop out, I-I don't have to go back" I asked making sure it was clear enough, Jenny nods her head "only if you want but you will have to look for a job"

I engulf her into a hug suddenly making her gasp "thank you, thank you so much"

She hugged me back and kissed my forehead "it's ok sweetie, so you wanna drop out huh"

I nod my head "well in that case we can start looking for jobs next week, now you go up stairs, I think Frank has finished your room"

I nod my head and made my way upstairs, i stand outside of Franks bedroom door and knock, I heard a soft mumble come from inside before I opened the door "y-you finished my room" I asked nervously.

Frank looks away and nods his head, I look down at the ground before back up at him "thank you Frank"

He nods again very slowly signalling that the conversation was over, I smiled and closed the door softly, I walk into my room and smile, it looks perfect, there were clothes in my closet my suits were nicely colour arranged.

I look over at the bed and couldn't help but grin when I saw the stuffed bear sitting there with a note.

All it said was 'I'm sorry' but that was better than nothing.

I laid on the bed and couldn't stop grinning, it's perfect.

I look over at the nightstand and saw the picture of me and mikey was framed again in a nice shiny frame, I hugged the stiffed bear tight and smiled widely.

Then the door opened, I sat up, the bear in my arms still, Frank walked inside and out my clothes on my bed "I uh, I could only save these" he said softly, I nod my head and look down at my bear "do you want me to put them away for you" he asked.

I shake my head "no thank you, I'll get it"

Frank went to got leave the room "hey Frank" I called out, he turned to me "yeah"

I blushed and held the bear tighter "thank you, for fixing my room and for getting me this"

He shrugged me off "yeah yeah whatever just don't tell anyone"

I nod my head before he shut the door.


I was out front in old clothes planting my flowers, I was happy, it was a beautiful day, I didn't have to go to school, I'm so glad.

But my heart fell into my stomach as a car pulled up "hey, look at that faggot planting fucking flowers" it was Tim, Frank, Mikey and Megan.

"Why weren't you at school today huh, trying to hide from us" Mikey yelled out, I stand up and sigh "why won't you just leave me alone" I asked, Frank and Megan got out of the car.

"What's this we're all hearing you're trying to steal Frank from Megan huh, I don't take kindly to people messing with my sister" Tim said with a smirk, I roll my eyes "speaking off, Frankie a little birdie told me that you were in Walmart buying a big stuffed bear, who may that be for" she asked with a giggle.

Franks eyes widened as I start to chuckle "yeah Frankie, who did you give that bear huh"

Frank looked at me with wide eyes "don't you dare" he mouthed "oh I believe the one you saw him buying is sitting up in my bedroom right now, oh and since you all think he's so ducking straight, he's been making out with me for the past 2 months behind your fucking back, all you guy can call me is a faggot, that's the most boring insult I've ever heard, yeah I may be a fucking faggot but so is Frank"

Megan pushed Frank away from her "so the rumours are true, you are a fucking faggot" she yelled, Mikey and Tim watched at the scene unfolded "wait how do we know Gerard isn't lying"

I hold up a finger "just give me a second"

I walked inside and grabbed the stuffed bear from off my bed and walked to the front door "is those proof enough"

A lot of yelling started out front and I just smirked and shut the door before going up to my bedroom.

I didn't wanna be like that, I just ruined Franks reputation but he made mine even worse.

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