O N E H U N D R E D A N D T H I R T Y O N E | Grawp

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Eleanor sat in the attic with Buckbeak. She normally didn't do this. For one, Buckbeak still slightly scared her, and she preferred to see him only when she had someone else with her, and two, you only go into the attic if you want solitude.

Sirius had spent many days up in the attic before Harry and everyone went back off the Hogwarts, he had been disappointed to see them leave again. But he did perk up eventually.

Eleanor had no reason to sulk, yes she missed everyone dearly but sulking and pining had never really been her thing.

The Black household was absolutely bustling today. Eleanor didn't know why it was so busy but it seemed everyone from the Order had turned up. As much as Eleanor loved that, and she spent much of the morning downstairs talking to everyone, she eventually had to sneak off to the quiet of the attic.

Eleanor was sat in the far corner of the dull room, her phone sitting on her lap. She was waiting for Harry to call her. She was both very excited and very nervous. She had missed Harry's voice, and pretty much everything about him (Merlin, she had it bad) but he did say he had some important news, which translated meant that he probably had some incredibly bad news.

Eleanor had discovered that magic tends to disrupt Muggle technology. From some miracle, Eleanor's phone still worked, but she had noticed it was starting to act up. Maybe the longer she had it around magic, the worse it would get? Eleanor hoped this wasn't the case. Her parents had already spent enough to buy her this phone when Josh had destroyed the last. The last thing she needed was to go to her parents and explain to them that magic had broken her phone. She wondered if they would even believe her.

Eleanor's ringtone suddenly blared out, making Eleanor jump. Buckbeak gave an indignant squawk at being woken up from his nap and glared at her before turning his back on her and curling back up to sleep.

Eleanor answered the phone. "I've just pissed off a Hippogriff. Tell me, am I going to die?"

Harry laughed. "Merlin, its a good thing no one else was ringing you, wasn't it?"

Eleanor hummed. "I knew it was your number because I recognised the last three digits."

"Good news though, you're probably not going to die."


Eleanor could practically see in her minds eye that Harry was smirking. The little shit. "Get him some ferrets just to be sure."

"Oh, of course," Eleanor said with heavy sarcasm. "Let me just go to my giant stash of dead ferrets."

Buckbeaks head moved, and he turned to sniff the air. "Oh great, now you've got his hopes up. He's sniffing the air."

"I've got his hopes up?! That was all you."

"Piss off, Potter, if you hadn't told me about the ferrets then I wouldn't have said it in the first place and Buckbeak wouldn't be sniffing hopefully at the air as if one is going to magically appear right in front of him."

Harry burst out laughing. Even though she could only hear it through the phone, the sound made her skin tingle. "What are we even going on about?"

"I've not a clue, Hazza."

They both laughed.

"I still hate it when you call me Hazza." Harry said, though he said it with much less resolve than before.

"You love it really." Eleanor said knowing it would annoy Harry even more.

She had not been expecting Harry's reply. "Maybe I do."

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