O N E H U N D R E D A N D E I G H T | Golden Boy

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Dear the boy who can't believe he got so lucky,

I asked Snuffles about the nickname and he instantly smiled. He looked so reminiscent. He said your father helped come up with Snivellus too. Your dad instantly sounds awesome. Apparently, Snuffles nor the rest of his friends got along very well with Snape during their time at Hogwarts. I guess they were always enemies.

I wonder if me and Chloe will still be enemies when we grow older. I would definitely be able to pat myself on the back for our consistency.

I know you're not actually taking remedial Potions but you know what the biggest fuck you to the school would be? Get a really good grade for your O.W.L.s. Then they won't be able to laugh at you anymore because you got a better grade than them.

I am offended, I have always been wise. Besides if I wasn't, how would I have come up with all those nicknames? Only a really wise and all knowing person could come up with superb nicknames like mine, Golden Boy.

...Okay, so that one isn't my nickname. I stole it out of one of the textbooks Hermione left behind that talked about your survival of Voldemort when you were a baby. It felt inappropriate to call you Pot Head, or a git at the time, so I thought I would use Golden Boy.

Besides, I know you hate all the nicknames the press and textbooks give you, so I knew it would annoy you. But I also think its a really cute nickname and can have mutiple meanings.

Harry, listen to me, you have every right to complain. Never feel like you have to justify yourself. And never feel like you should have to apologise for feeling the way you do.

You've been dealt a bad hand of cards from birth. You've done brilliantly of always putting others before yourself and never letting whats happened to you get to you. You've never complained. Ever. But it's okay to complain. It's okay to feel frustrated. To feel like you've had the worse luck in the world. Because let's be honest, you have.

It doesn't matter if you think you have amazing friends and family. It doesn't matter if you think you should feel lucky for surviving this long. You can have amazing friends and still feel crap, Harry. You don't need to feel guilty for wanting to be someone else for a while.

Like I said, never feel the need to justify your feelings. Especially not around me. Your feelings are valid, and it's okay to talk about them. It's not selfish to want to vent, Harry.

I've always told you that you can come to me for anything. You can always talk to me. And you have, you always talked to me about how you're feeling and I'm very grateful for that. So don't feel the need to stop now.

I know I can never do much but I know from experience it's good to talk about things. And I hope that talking helps you.

I also get where you're coming from. It can't be easy to have your every move watched and dictated on whether you did the right or wrong thing. It must be awful.

I know you're trying in Snape's lessons. I wasn't saying you weren't. I was just trying to say that they seem incredibly important. I know you hate Snape, and I know that he can act very unfairly, so I was just trying to remind you that these lessons are crucial before you go and do something reckless.

Wow, I feel like I've said it about a million times but god, I hate Umbitch. I feel bad for Trelawney but at least she still has somewhere to live. And as for Firenze, I'm glad Dumbledore hired him. It's the one decent thing he's done all year by the sounds of it. It's showing his rebellion against Umbridge. It's not a coincidence that Umbridge hates half-breeds and Dumbledore just happens to hire one before Umbridge can say a word. I applaud Dumbledore for that.

I didn't know Hagrid was half-giant. Does that make him really tall then?

The rumours have died down a lot for me now. The schools gotten bored with it all I guess. They've gotten quite used to Remus taking me to school and I don't get half the attention I did before which I'm quite thankful for really.

And don't worry, I won't get caught with the Extendable Ears. I've hidden them somewhere Mrs. Weasley will never find them.

Harry, you are literally the sweetest, most kindest person I've ever met. I didn't expect for you to say it back anyway, as I know it's a big thing and everyone feels different. But to know that you do feel the same and are waiting to say it to me in person is honestly one of the most romantic things anyone has ever said to me.

I could cry...

...I won't, but know that I could if wanted to.

Stay golden, Golden Boy.


the girl who wants you to keep talking about how you're feeling.

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