O N E H U N D R E D A N D T W E N T Y | A Note To Umbridge

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Dear the boy who is dreading Snape's lesson more than usual,

She is, is she? Well I hope she reads this: fuck you and your Inquisitorial Squad, you arrogant stuck up cow!

Hold up! That's the dirt you had on her? Wow, that's kind of serious. Here I was thinking it was something petty, like she didn't have a writing degree or something. Though some of the crap she comes out with, it wouldn't surprise me if she wasn't educated.

Oh, they teased you alright. Snuffles mainly. Moony thought it was kind of sweet. I sense that Moony is a romantic. But Snuffles meant it all in good fun. He mentioned your father a lot. I reckon Mrs. Weasley and Hermione were right in saying that he forgets that you're not your father sometimes. I'm not saying that's a bad thing but when he catches himself talking about your father as if he were you, as if he were still alive, this kind of shock overcomes his face as if he just found out the news for the first time. Its honestly heartbreaking to see. Moony isn't much help either. You know how Moony is normally the comforter (well you've seen how he always tries to comfort Mrs. Weasley about the Percy situation) only when this happens, he just goes rather subdue and nostalgic looking like Snuffles. I wish I was better at comforting people.

I wish it were true too, we all know we could do with some good news and it would be cute if they ended up together. Maybe I've read the signs wrong, after all they are naturally very close from all those years at Hogwarts but still, I hope they end up together. I'm scared to ask them about it in case I'm wrong and make things awkward between the two.

A wizarding university sounds awesome. Can you imagine the parties you would have?! It would be wicked.

Thanks Harry, I'm still really unsure what to pick. I'm going to talk to my fathers about it and maybe some of the guests that come along now and then and see what they would do in my position.

You're lucky you only have to sit through one session of careers advice, all of my lessons at school have turned into careers advice with a side of revision. Its maddening.

Cass' date went really well actually! She said that the girls name is Sarah and that they got on really well and that the date wasn't awkward or anything, it all just felt natural. Yeah I think they are seeing eachother again, but if you ask me they act like they've already been dating for months. It's cute though. I haven't met Sarah yet but I've spoken to her on the phone and she seems actually really nice. Completely opposite to Cass who is a sarcastic, cynical little shit. I would be worried that Cass might corrupt Sarah but I've learned that the innocent ones are the ones to look out for so I think Sarah will be just fine.

I think you can guess that me and Cass ate the ice cream in celebration. It wasn't a small tub either, it was like a litre or something. Honestly you'd think we both went through a break up or something. Anyway we made a girls night out it, we watched a bunch of movies. My parents allowed me to go to her house for a couple of hours. I wasn't allowed to stay over, you know the reason why but yeah it was really fun actually.

You totally had a baby face and you are only kidding yourself when you deny it. Yeah, I love Ginny. She's the best. We got really close over Christmas, I can definitely see her becoming one of my best friends.

Merlin I'm stupid sometimes, how could I forget that I saw your Patronus? It was literally the reason why I know magic is real. I suppose the thought of the Dementors made me block out the memory. I don't like thinking about it much to be honest, especially the feeling they gave me.

The game of Exploding snap went alright actually. I joined in with my parents and Snuffles and Josh and there were limited casualties. I say limited because the cards blew up in Josh's face and singed off his eyebrows. Of course he found the whole thing hilarious, I did too. I begged Snuffles not to fix his eyebrows and to let them grow back naturally but my parents stepped in so Josh's eyebrows are sadly fully intact once more.

Oh my, I wonder who set off all those fireworks?

I love them for doing it, I would've loved to see the look on old Umbridge's face when she saw all those fireworks. You should've taken photos for me!

Good luck for Snape, you're going to do fine. Just believe in yourself and ignore any comments that leave his stupid mouth!


the girl who hopes you don't get a detention for what I wrote at the start of the letter.

(Hope you enjoy! Just a note that Eleanor knows who set off the fireworks, I mean its not hard to figure out really. Anyway, she was just being sarcastic about it, because with Umbridge monitoring letters in and out of Hogwarts, she can't mention Fred or George or they would get in trouble.)

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