N I N E T Y | All Good Things Come To Those Who Wait

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Dear the boy who runs Dumbledore's Army,

Trust me, Harry, bad people always get what they deserve and Umbridge will get what's coming for her. If not, then I'll personally deal with her for ever putting you and all the other students and teachers through what she has.

After all, the saying goes: 'all good things come to those who wait'. So all we've got to do is wait it out and Umbridge will never know what hit her.

Oh, Harry I'm proud of you! When we first met, I was the one who swore and you were the polite innocent one. Now you are telling people to fuck off on your own. I'm so proud, I'm glad I've been such a bad influence on you. (I know this whole paragraph was complete sarcasm but it was just my way to say that I completely support and encourage you telling people to fuck off on my behalf.)

That's a shame you don't have voodoo. Us Muggles do though, but I don't know if it actually works or if it's a hoax like Santa claus or...nevermind. (I was going to say magic but then I remembered that it actually is real and you've proven it to me.)

I should send a voodoo kit over to Fred and George and see what they come up with to make it work. And then I hope they only use it to torture Umbridge...Oh! And Voldy too.

Yes I know I contradict myself, Harry. As you very much know when you first started writing to me, you know I can be reckless and all. It's a very fun lifestyle as I'm sure you're well aware of as you are one of the most reckless people I know. But I also have a side of me thats sensible and wants to see all my loved ones safe and unharmed. It's a constant battle between what's right and what's fun. So yes, I do contradict myself a lot.

The D.A. is an awesome name. It sounds so mysterious. Also you know what Dumbledore should do? If the Ministry think he's creating his own army, then Dumbledore should actually create his own army. That's like a giant middle finger to the Ministry. I'll be the first to sign up.

If you like teaching and want to do it as a career then you should. If you don't like it then you don't have to do it. If you want to become an Auror then you do it. But my word of advice is, make sure you 100% want to do it. Make sure it's something you are passionate about.

How can you be a rubbish teacher? You're doing pretty great with the D.A. aren't you? That was a rhetorical question. The answer is yes, yes you are.

I don't know how to stop the nightmares either. I wish I did, Harry, I really do.

There has got to be other people you can go too other than Dumbledore right? What about Snuffles, or Remus?

Writing lines isn't that bad, Harry. I thought Umbridge would have much more sinister things up her sleeve but writing lines is nothing.

Purposefully get kicked out of Biology?! Why Harry how could you assume such a thing?....okay, so I might maybe get kicked out of Biology...purposefully.

...It's not my fault though! The teacher hates me.

12 Christmas trees?! Actual fairies?! Singing suits of armour?! That does sound awesome and magical. I wish technology worked in Hogwarts, I could get you to send me some pictures.

Next summer we better have more than a day together or I'm stealing you from Hogwarts so I can have you to myself for the entire year.


the girl who knows that that last sentence sounds wrong but we are not going to talk about it.

(Sorry for the delay in a new chapter. Hope you enjoy!)

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