N I N E T Y S E V E N | Nightmares

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"So you're telling me that magic is real-"

"And that Harry is a wizard-"

"And goes to a wizarding school-"

"But an evil wizard is after him to kill him-"

"Even though he is only fifteen?"

Eleanor had taken her parents into a separate room to break the news. This was after her father had woken up of course. She had been talking to them for over an hour, going right back to the beginning where an easy mistake pulled her into all of this mess.

"You've pretty much hit the nail on the head." Eleanor admitted as she paced in front of her parents, awaiting even more questions.

"But now you're in trouble too?"


"Possibly? What kind of answer is that?"

"Harry was going to explain it all to me before you came in screaming your head off." Eleanor said.

"Well can you blame me?"

"Not in the slightest," Eleanor said. "But let's go find out what's going on."

Before her parents could ask anymore questions, Eleanor marched out the door. Her brother, Josh, was probably no doubt waiting with the others in the dining room still.

Eleanor entered the dining room and all heads turned to her. Without a word, she sat at the table in front of Harry. She heard her parents following.

Her parents sudden appearance at Grimmauld Place had distracted her for a while but now Eleanor was here again, ready to ask Harry what was going on, fear and dread wrenched at her heart.

"So I was really excited to finally find out who my daughter was dating but after all this I'm not so sure this is a good idea," Ethan said as he entered the room. "Which one of you is Harry anyway?"


"I think the more important question is why the hell has our daughter been brought into this mess!" William demanded as he too came walking into the room.

"Dad!" Eleanor groaned again. "It's not Harry's fault and I refuse to tell you which one is Harry until you both calm down."

"You will tell us, young lady!"

"Wow," A little voice said and Eleanor found Josh sitting in a armchair in the corner of the room. "What did you do El? I've never seen our parents so pissed off."

"Josh, watch your language!" Ethan exclaimed, horrified.

Eleanor was equally as horrified and she fidgeted when she saw William's sharp glare on her. "Have you been swearing around Josh? I told you that wasn't allowed!"

"Psssh, no way!" Eleanor said, avoiding everyone's eyes. "Josh is way too young to hear such profanities."

"Nuh-uh," Josh piped up and Eleanor suddenly wished she was magic so she could make him shut up. "The other day Eleanor swore around me because she stubbed her toe. She said stuff like 'shit, fuck and son of a bitch'."

"Shut up!" Eleanor hissed and then turned to her parents who were glowering at her. She smiled sheepishly. "Six year olds, am I right? Always making up things that never happened." She laughed awkwardly but when neither of her parents said anything she turned and faced Harry.

He was trying to hold in his laughter and she smirked at him. Time to turn her parents anger towards him instead.

Harry seemed to know what she was about to do because his smile dropped.

Easy Mistake ; Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now