T H I R T Y F I V E | The Yule Ball

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Dear the girl who is also bad at dancing,

You think I have severe baggage? Thank you again, Eleanor, for the vote of confidence. What in the world would I do without you?

The ball was a disaster. My friend Hermione had a good time which was amazing but me and Ron had a horrible time. Ron got really jealous about Hermione's date, it's obvious they like eachother but the two of them won't admit it. I found out something about my friend Hagrid because Ron and I came across him talking to his date and we ungraciously hid to listen to their conversation. It was rude, I know but curiosity got the best of me.

I wish you were able to come to this dance, then maybe I would've had a better time. You would have been able to meet Ron as well and then it would've given me an excuse to tell you my secret anyway, I just want to get it out and tell you now.

And hey, if you spent the whole night laughing at my horrible dancing, then it would've been worth it because I would've got to hear your laugh all evening.


the boy who has severe baggage.

(Notice how Harry finally put love instead of from. Character development, you're welcome ;))

Also, I think I mentioned this last chapter but this part of the story is them developing their friendship, trust me things get interesting later on in the story and shit hits the fan ;)

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