N I N E T Y N I N E | Volcano

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Life at Grimmauld Place for Eleanor was interesting to say the least. She had to share a room with Ginny and Hermione because for some reason all the adults were against the idea of Eleanor and Harry staying in a room together. Eleanor was still slightly bitter about it but she enjoyed the girl's company nonetheless.

Hermione had certainly grown on Eleanor. She was bossy and bookish but she also had a very sharp tongue and analytical mind which Eleanor loved.

Ginny was hilarious and the three girls spent countless hours laughing as Ginny retold embarrassing stories of her brothers at 3am in the morning much to Mrs. Weasley's dismay.

Eleanor thought she would hate how crowded the house was and she could remember telling Harry through one of her letters that she didn't envy the Weasley's big family as she much preferred her small one but she was surprised to find she in fact enjoyed all the faces bustling around the house. She found she never got bored as there was always someone she could talk to.

Her father's were slowly adjusting to their new found discovery that magic exists. Of course, Josh loved everything about it and thought it was the best thing ever. Eleanor didn't have the heart to tell him the only reason they were there was because they were in possible danger. (Although he heard the discussion about Harry's dream of Eleanor, he didn't take this very seriously. Eleanor couldn't tell if this was because he was a kid and simply just didn't understand the weight of it all or if the whole conversation was wiped from his memory because he only focused on the fact that magic was in fact actually real.)

As busy as the house was, a lot of evenings it would go quiet and it would only be herself, Josh and Sirius left in the house. Everyone else would go off the visit Arthur Weasley who was the man that had gotten injured in Harry's vision. Eleanor's parents still went to work too but cut their hours shorter so now they were back each night before it got too dark.

Eleanor didn't mind this. Herself and Josh had a lot of fun with Sirius. Sirius entertained them by showing them magic which Josh simply couldn't get enough of. Eleanor also discovered Sirius could turn into a dog which Max, their labrador, was ecstatic about.

Max had been allowed to stay with them too, on the condition that he was taken outside every few hours to do his business.

But eventually the nightly visits to see Arthur stopped because soon Arthur was well enough to come back to Grimmauld Place and be with his family again. Eleanor soon came to realise he was an insanely kind man, so she again had no problem with the new member joining the household.

"So, Eleanor tell us about the Muggle world." It was the first night of Arthur being home and everyone was sat around the table eating Mrs. Weasley's insanely good food. Harry wasn't lying when he told Eleanor that she was a good cook.

"It's boring," Josh piped up before Eleanor could open her mouth. "Being a wizard is so much more exciting."

No one said anything. They didn't know what to say. Josh was a kid and had no idea what kind of situation the wizarding world was in.

"Why can't we stay here forever?" Josh whined for the untenth time since they arrived at Grimmauld Place.

"Because you're not a wizard." Eleanor said while swallowing down a spoonful of mashed potatoes.

"Then why are we here?"

Eleanor sighed. "We've been over this Joshy. It's complicated."

Josh didn't relent. "But we're here because of Ellie." His eyes suddenly lit up. "Is it because you're a witch? You were in Harry's vision remember?"


"But why are-"

"Enough, Josh." Those two words from their father was enough for Josh to fall silent.

Eleanor couldn't bare to see Josh's defeated expression. "Hey, Joshy? Why don't you tell Mr. Weasley about the science project you're doing at school?"

And just like that Josh's eyes lit up again and his child like spark came back. He nodded vigorously and jumped into an explanation about how his teacher was making them all create models of volcanoes at school for science.

"And they even explode! The vinegar reacts to the baking soda and it's as if a real volcano was erupting! Mrs. Lynch has been setting them off one by one and mine and Tommy's volcano is next once we go back after Christmas!"

Eleanor took note of how everyone was listening to him politely and the only one who looked genuinely interested was Mr. Weasley. Eleanor found it funny how he was so interested in the Muggle world but was glad for it because now Josh had someone to talk to about the Muggle world. Eleanor knew Josh missed the Muggle world a lot, even if he did love the magical world, so at least now he still had a connection to the Muggle world.

"At the end, Mrs. Lynch is going to see who's volcano is the best. It's definitely going to be mine and Tommy's. Eleanor helped me build it. Didn't you, El? She came to my school and everything, it was awesome."

"I sure did. I wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else on a Friday night, especially not the party Cass invited me too." Eleanor said half sarcastically, half jokingly.

Of course, Eleanor didn't mean this. She loved spending time with Josh, and actually had a pretty good time building the volcano. She was about to say she was only kidding, but Josh hadn't seemed to pick up on the sarcasm and moved on. Eleanor grinned at him.

"It was so fun! Eleanor even brought fake dinosaurs to put at the bottom of it. It looks epic."

Eleanor cleared her throat jokingly. "Well, you know me, I'm an aspiring artist. I've got to showcase my talent somehow."

"Are you actually?" Ginny asked, a small grin on her face.

Eleanor snorted. "No. I'm shi- terrible at art. I can barely draw a stick man. The only reason I was able to do this was because I stayed up all night watching videos on how to paper mache a volcano."

"Well, anyway," Josh continued to drone on. "Ours is bound to win because-"

Sitting there, listening to her brother go on about everything happening at his school, made Eleanors heart ache. Her parents and Josh should never have been dragged into this. They should never have had to live like this, hiding away because their daughter got them in way over their heads in a situation that none of them could control.

And for one spilt second Eleanor regretted meeting Harry Potter but that thought was gone as quick as it came as he smiled at her and Eleanor forgot she even thought about it at all.

(Filler chapter but I still hope you all enjoy.)

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