F I F T Y S I X | Chocolate Frogs

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Dear the boy who is grateful to have me,

Bloody hell, the Dursleys are awful. They didn't even tell you your parents names, or what they were like? That must have been horrible, especially if you had to hear it all off a stranger you didn't know at all back then. Honestly, the Dursleys deserve a lot of bad things to happen to them.

So how does finding out you're a wizard work then? Does everyone get a visit off another fellow wizard to explain it all to them? I suspect the children who grow up in wizarding families will already know right? But what happens to people like you who grow up with muggles?

You are not obligated to write to me, Harry, so you don't need to apologise at all. You were and still are going through a difficult time, I understand that you wanted to be alone for a while. And you shouldn't feel guilty, not in the slightest. We are all human and feel emotions sometimes we can't even explain. And although you said you don't care about it anymore, I take it you did have a reason to hate him. Even if you thought it was stupid, we are all human and cannot help feeling emotions, even if we can't explain them sometimes.

Besides, it sounds like you were nice to this Cedric even if you didn't like him. Remus told me that the two of you planned to share the glory of this tournament. Now that doesn't sound like a thing a person would do if they really hated someone, does it?

I hope the hearing goes well for you. You'll have to tell me how you get on when it happens next week. Are you worried about it?

Everything went fine with my parents. They are happy I made a new friend. I just told them that we got talking a lot and lost track of time. They believed me which is good. After all, I've never lied to them before meeting you anyway. I guess I should feel more guilty about it then I do...oh well.

Oh! I almost forgot. That chocolate frog you gave me, I can't believe it actually moved! It was so crazy. I thought you were having me on in your little note. And the card that came with it, the pictures actually moved! They actually walked out of the picture frame! How does it all work!?

Also guess who I got on my card? Dumbledore! I now know who you are always talking about. I've kept the card but don't worry I've hidden it away from anywhere my brother or parents might be able to find it.

Thanks for the chocolate frog though, it helped me a lot and made me feel loads better. And thank you for bringing me back home when I practically passed out on you. It was really nice of you. I'm just sorry for not letting go of you, you were just too comfy I guess.


the girl who now loves chocolate frogs.

P.S You'll have to tell me where you got those chocolate frogs from, I want more!

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