S E V E N T Y T H R E E | Moaning Myrtle

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Dear the girl who asked too many questions,

I don't know exactly what Charms are used to protect Hogwarts from muggles. I don't think many people do. All I know is what Hermione has told me. If a Muggle gets too close to Hogwarts all they will see is a ruined wreck and marsh and a sign saying extremely dangerous, keep out! As well as this, Hogwarts is unplottable, meaning you can't find it on any map. So to lots of people it simply doesn't exist.

Slytherin has and probably will always have a bad reputation. And I agree, there are some really shit people in Slytherin but there are some decent people in that house too. It's like every house, you get decent people and you get down right horrible people. There are even some people I can't stand in Gryffindor, its just that Slytherin seems to make more horrible people than it does good.

When I heard that voice for the first time, I was more afraid for other people than I was for myself. I was also more confused than scared because at the time I just couldn't understand why no one else could hear this voice.

No the heir of Slytherin wouldn't necessarily have been a Slytherin. I know in this case that the heir was a Slytherin because it was Tom but when you get sorted at Hogwarts by the Sorting Hat, it places you on what traits you have best that match each house. So say if a kid was getting sorted and was Salazar's descendant, the hat would consider that definitely but if the Sorting hat thought that this kid was more intelligent and witty than ambitious and cunning, then the hat would place them in Ravenclaw.

The first time ever I talked to a snake, I was ten. It was Dudley's birthday and Mrs. Figg couldn't look after me so the Dursleys had no choice but to take me to the zoo with them. We were looking around the reptilian exhibit and Dudley was trying to get the attention of this snake. After it didn't move, Dudley got bored and left. I went up to it and after a moment it raised its head and winked at me. Even though it wasn't saying anything, I could tell it was communicating with me. I had commented about how annoying it must be to get gawked at all the time and the snake nodded at me as if to agree.

Honestly El, I'm not making this up. It was a very weird day for me. Anyway, I asked where the snake came from and it pointed it's tail at a sign. It was a boa constrictor from Brazil if you were interested. Anyway, eventually Dudley saw the snake was moving, punched me out of the way and then next thing you know the glass had vanished and the snake slithered away after saying thanks to me.

Until I had found out about Hogwarts I had no idea how the glass disappeared but now I know it was me. Lots of wizards do accidental magic when they are feeling angry or lots of emotions. That's before we learn to control it anyway.

The other time I talked to a snake and found out I was a Parselmouth was in my second year which I stated in my last letter. We were having a dueling club and my opponent was someone called Malfoy. Me and Malfoy don't get along at all. Anyway, so we were only meant to be learning how to block spells to help us defend ourselves but Malfoy had cast a spell and suddenly a snake had erupted from his wand. The snake had turned to attack one of the other students and I don't know what came over me but I felt calm and I approached it and told it to back away. Then eventually one of the Professors present got rid of it.

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