O N E H U N D R E D A N D E I G H T E E N | Like Father Like Son

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Dear the boy who shouldn't have called the D.A. Dumbledore's Army,

You blackmailed someone? If you think I'm going to tell you off, you're wrong. That honestly is kind of awesome of you all actually. I mean Rita isn't exactly an innocent human being like you said, and karma was bound to catch up with her sooner or later. I just guess that karma was you and Hermione. And I guess that it was sooner rather than later that it caught up to the awful women.

Like you said, Rita has wrote and done so many horrible things to people so I wholeheartedly agree with your choice to blackmail her.

So now for the good part, what information do you have on her that you used to blackmail her?

Again, I agree. Thanks to your brilliant article, you've convinced a lot of people and therefore probably saved a lot of lives because now they can be better prepared for what's to inevitably come.

Snuffles forced me to show him the gift you had given me. He took one look at the photo album and immediately said it was the kind of thing that James would have done for Lily. I was then proceeded to be forced to show Remus the album once he showed up that evening, he too said it was very nicely done and the exact thing that James would have gifted Lily. Told you that you are always carrying around a piece of your parents with you.

Also on a completely unrelated note, do you have any idea what's going on with Remus and Snuffles? You've known them far longer than I have but I dunno, sometimes I get the feeling that they are totally pining for eachother but trying to hide their feelings. I don't know, I could be wrong but I reckon they used to have something while they were at Hogwarts. Maybe it got broken up when Snuffles got sent to Azkaban? Or I'm completely and utterly wrong, who knows? Time will tell I guess.

Thank you! Honestly yes, the whole ordeal of applying to colleges was stressful. Honestly I feel Ron because the Wizarding world education system is so much easier. I mean you attend one school and then you work. That's it. But Muggles, we have nursery, primary school, high school, college and then university! Like are all these schools necessary? No, the answer is no.

As for what I'm going to study, I honestly have no idea. I love preforming arts! But I also like writing, but then doing something in fashion would also be cool. But then again, I'm also really interested in technology, so maybe computer science? Or maybe animal care?

I really don't know. I've applied to all the courses above for my colleges but I really don't know which to pick yet. I wish it were like university where I could pick mutiple courses at once. I'm basically in the same predicament you were in a few months back when you couldn't decide what you wanted to do.

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