O N E H U N D R E D A N D S I X T E E N | Hopeless Romantic

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Dear the boy who is happy,

People believe you?! IT'S ABOUT FUCKING TIME!

Tell Hermione I love her because honestly that girl is a genius. She comes up with the best plans and I can't believe I was ever iffy about her.

I'm proud of you for talking out about your experiences for the paper. It was a lot more than just naming names, so I bet it was hard to talk about. Even if it wasn't hard to talk about, I'm still proud of you because what you did took guts. I guess that's why you're a Gryffindor.

I'm glad people are apologising to you because it shows that they see that they were actually wrong. I mean they are still all idiots but at least they had the decency to apologise.

Fuck those who are still sending hate. Send me their addresses, I just want to chat to them, I swear.

Again; IT'S ABOUT FUCKING TIME PEOPLE AT HOGWARTS BELIEVED YOU! I am happy for you though. I know some of your old friends turned on you and I know that sucked but at least they believe you now.

Pfft, this isn't a small thing, and even if it was, I don't care, it's made you happy so in my books it's a big thing.

I mean not just anyone could go out and write a news article. God if I tried that I'd be laughed at. Speaking of which, how exactly did you get this Rita woman to write the article for you? I know your friend Luna got her dad to actually publish it on his newspaper but isn't Rita that awful journalist who spreads gossip and lies and uses inhumane ways such as manipulation to get the information she wants?

I love how everyone is teaming up to conspire against Umbridge to read this article. You really made your mark and showed them all, I'm so proud of you right now.

Remember a few letters back when I was talking about how you let the students have too much power over you and I suggested that you do something to convince them otherwise? Well this is what I was talking about.

...Well not this exactly. Even I couldn't have come up with the idea to publish a public statement but it definitely worked so well done. You out did yourself.

You Potter are most certainly a hopeless romantic. Look at the gift you gave me for instance! Being a romantic isn't a bad thing, I actually really love it, I just never expected this of you when we first met. You're just full of surprises.

I can't believe you remember what I wrote in that stupid letter, its been near enough two years! I can't even remember what I wrote. Again I sense a hopeless romantic! You can't escape it, you can only embrace it.

Yeah I've started looking at colleges since we spoke about it and there are quite a few that look promising, I've just got to get the required grades in my exams now. I've narrowed it down to five I think, I honestly don't know which ones I want to go too, so I'll probably apply to all and then choose from the ones I get accepted into.

Mr and Mrs Weasley are so cute though. I hope I have a relationship like that when I'm older because you can tell that they still genuinely love eachother, even if Mrs. Weasley gets annoyed about Mr. Weasley's obsession with Muggles. I bet she secretly finds it endearing.

School was surprising chill. I mean we had the decorations and the teachers like dressed up in red and pink which is so stereotypical, it's disgusting. Like why do we just assume red and pink are Valentines day colours? Anyway apart from everyone asking eachother out, it was a pretty normal day.

But guess what?! Cass came out to me! (Don't worry, I've had permission to tell you.) She basically met this girl at work and Cass realised she was Bisexual when she realised she had feelings for said girl. I don't know much about this girl, not even her name yet because Cass is really scared to talk about it in case she jinxes it but I'm pretty sure Cass is planning to ask her out soon so hopefully I'll get to meet her.

Speaking of which, you definitely need to meet Cass in the summer. She's dying to meet you. It'll be fun, we could go on a double date and go bowling or do something really chill like that!

Aw, is Hazza sad that I'm making fun of him for getting sent a love letter?

Well boohoo because its absolutely hilarious! The cupid did make a big show out of you though, didn't he? That bit wasn't cool. If it were me I would've booted the idiot off my legs like a fly.

Probably would've got a detention mind you, but it would've been totally worth it. You could've just said you were testing to see if their wings actually worked. There, problem solved.

Excuse me, what the fuck-?


I love Ginny like one hundred times more now. Like wow, my eleven year old self could never and you know me now, I don't give a shit about a lot of things.

Well I've got to go, I need to finish some revision tonight before I go to sleep.

As I wrote that, I just had the realisation that we've never actually slept in the same bed. I mean we could've at Christmas if Mrs Weasley wasn't so stubborn. I miss when we cuddled before you had to leave.

Gah, now I wish you were here.

Well I guess I'll finish my revision and then go and get Max to cuddle with him. I mean he's not you but he's still pretty great.


the girl who wants to cuddle you (Am I too turning into a hopeless romantic?! Oh my God, its contagious!)

(I can no longer look at the word Valentine without thinking about Shadowhunters. I guess we can add this on to the seemingly infinite list of fandoms I'm in.)

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