O N E H U N D R E D A N D T H I R T Y F O U R | Unnerved

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Dear the boy who understands,

I'm glad all is well with Hagrid, well I suppose I should call him Professor really as he is a teacher. How are your lessons going with him?

Yes my school has suffered similarly. The amount of people who have had nervous breakdowns due to exam stress...Well I'm surprised no one's complained about it, especially parents.

It'll be a relief when the exams come to an end that's for sure.

Thank you Haz, for always believing in me. Together we can get through this.

That doesn't make you a bad friend. I mean if you treated Ron like shit for it then yeah, you would have been a bit of a dick but I really can't see that actually happening. You've been playing Quidditch since your first year, you were bound to feel the loss of it.

You tell Ron that he should believe in himself more, he's already proven he can do it.

That Slytherin song is awful. God why would they make something like that. I understand now why Ron played bad because of it, it would have set anyone's nerves on edge and made them second guess themselves all the time.

I'm glad you all changed it and tried to block it out. I doubt you had anything to do with the lyrics though because sorry Hazza, you're no poet.

I suppose in a way it all turned out for the best, because although Ron had to endure that God awful song, with very rubbish lyrics, I mean they could have been way more creative but that's besides the point. Despite the song, he's proven to himself that he can play well regardless what other people say, and the song you Gryffindors made would have boosted his confidence so hopefully Ron will have no more mishaps.

I knew you would feel the same about all of this and I'm glad I chose to talk to you about it now. It makes me feel slightly better that I'm not the only one who escapes a little from everything that's happening out in the world. I'm glad I'm not the only one worried, and I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks the sudden silence is strange and unnerving.

I've been sat in anticipation for a while that something is going to happen and I think the Order is starting to feel it too. Their joyful banter has become less and less, and it's become more and more tense silence. That worries me too, because I fear they know something we do not. Or maybe they don't? Maybe they simply read the same signs as us and are worried about the sudden silence on Voldemort's behalf. I cannot be sure but I hate it all so much.

I couldn't picture my life without you either. If I'm being completely honest, I couldn't picture my life without magic, or the Weasley's or Hermione, or Remus, or Sirius or any of them. When I first found out about magic it was so strange and I couldn't believe it and then when you had that nightmare and I was completely uprooted and taken away from the life I knew, I was mad a little. I was also scared but I was mad. But now I can't picture my life going back to the way it was.

Like sure I had my family and Cass which was absolutely amazing. They are my rocks and my world, but meeting you all has made my life so much more fulfilling.

I guess I was right in joking before about being a hopeless romantic is contagious because just look at this letter and my last one. This is entirely your fault. I hope you're happy.

I did indeed manage to finally fall asleep. I was awoken by Molly like three hours later for breakfast and to go to school but at least I managed to get some sleep.

Anyway I'd better leave this letter here. I'm sorry but Mrs. Weasley is calling me down for dinner and then I have to help Josh with his homework. Wish me luck, I'm going to need it. Especially if the pudding has chocolate in it, Josh'll be jumping off the walls and won't want to concentrate.


the girl who is unnerved but feels fulfilled.

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