BONUS CHAPTER | The Aftermath of War

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(24 months after the Second Wizarding War and the death of Voldemort.)

"Harry! Harry!"

"Yes, Ellie?" Harry looked up in affection as Eleanor came bustling towards him, bursting with energy. It was truly crazy how much love he had for her, so much that Harry thought sometimes he could burst apart from it all. He felt as if his heart was growing so big that it would surely erupt from his chest, he sometimes felt so overwhelmed with love that he thought he couldn't manage it all.

He never used to understand the saying that love is pain, but that was before he met Eleanor. Of course he loved Ron and Hermione, and Sirius and Remus, and Josh and all the others but that was a different type of love. The love he felt for Eleanor was different. It was all-consuming. Sometimes he felt so happy he thought he would explode and other times he ached for her so badly that he could rip his hair out.

Love truly was pain but Harry thought it was a good kind of pain. Yes, Harry loved Eleanor so much that it was painful but it was a pain he would happily endure forever. He remembered the pain he felt when he thought he had lost her and fought back a shudder. Even now the thought of what had happened froze his world, made him paralysed with pain and heartache.

In all her excitement, Eleanor ran into Harry not being able to stop herself. Harry was thankful for her distraction. He put his hands out to steady her. He was already smiling. "What's got you all excited?"

Eleanor was dancing on the balls of her feet, a letter was clutched in her hands but in all her frenzy Harry couldn't make out any of the words.

Eleanor was positively beaming. "I got in!"

Harry was confused for a moment. "You got in?"

Eleanor shoved the letter in his face. "I got IN!"

The words were blurred and his eyes needed a moment to adjust to the letter that was so close to his face but he saw the word university and it all came dawning on him. He grinned. "YOU GOT IN!"

Eleanor squealed, she was so overcome with joy. "I GOT IN!"

Harry could feel his cheeks hurting from smiling so much. He knew how much Eleanor had wanted this and he was so glad that she had managed to achieve it herself.

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. "I'm so proud of you!" And feeling as if this didn't portray how excited he was for her, he picked her up and twirled her around. Eleanor laughed. "I'm so so proud of you." Harry said as Eleanor's feet touched the ground again.

His hands were resting on her shoulders. He ran his hand down her left arm and grabbed her hand. He squeezed it. His other hand stayed on her right shoulder. Loosing her right arm had been hard for Eleanor, it took some adjusting and she had had many frustrated days where she struggled to get by with just the help of one hand, but Harry thought she was doing brilliantly. Harry had loved her before but he thought maybe he loved her just a little more now, for how strong she has been.

"I can't believe it...I actually got accepted."

"I can," Harry said, smiling. "I knew without a shadow of a doubt that you'd do it."

"Well," Eleanor said, with her signature sarcastic smile. "You surely would have been dissapointed if I had failed."

Harry rolled his eyes. "I'd still be extremely proud of you. What you're doing is hard and besides any university would have been insanely stupid not to accept you."

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