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The morning sun shines down on me as I walk the short distance to my school, I can't wait until high school is over. The problem isn't the school itself, and certainly not the eduction. The problem are the people. All it takes for you to be targeted is to be quiet, studious and unassuming.

A category I fall into perfectly.

I am their target, I have been for years. It doesn't matter that I keep my head down, that I keep my mouth shut, that I leave them alone. It's fun to pick on those you don't understand apparently.

Checking my phone, I can see that I'm right on time, I have enough time to go to the library and read before my lessons start. I have a bloody maths test this morning and I'm doing everything I can to ignore it. Denial and reading are a perfect combination.

"Hi Jules!" Rosie exclaims as she waves me over to our usual spot, she's rereading her favourite book, The Nightingale. I can see it on her lap, nearly finished again. Rosie, like me is an obsessive reader, it was incredible when she moved here because I finally had someone in this high school like myself.

Flopping down on the space beside her I lay my head on her shoulder as I lift up her book and skim the page she is on. I'll admit, like Rosie, it's one of my favourite stories to read.

"You ok?" I hum as I lift my head up from her shoulder. I nod, numbly, I'm ok. I'm always ok.

"How's your mum, she doing ok today."

"Yes she's fine." I reply politely, I don't like talking about this but I always like how Rosie checks up on me. It's the thought that counts not the actual answer.

Leaning down, I pull the worn book out of my bag, it's cover is faded from the number of times I've read it. It was my mum's before me and she read it at least a hundred times before me, I love old books, books with memories, books with lives. The more worn and used the better.

I'm currently working my way through Rebecca once again, it's one of my comfort books to read. Mum had a bad turn yesterday and I had to leave for school with her in pain, I need some comfort right about now.

The bell rings all too soon and we both reluctantly stand from our comfy sofa to head down to maths class.

"Could you just kill me now" I beg Rosie and she chuckles, patting my back sympathetically. Rosie has nothing to worry about, she excels in maths and science as well as everything else. Me, I'm more creative, or at least that's the polite way of saying bad at maths. Which I am, hence my reasoning for dreading today.

"You'll be fine Jules, just stay calm and focussed. Don't panic like you always do." Now it's my turn to chuckle, she knows me almost as well as I know her.

"Don't worry." She reassures before pulling me into her arms for a tight squeeze. "You'll crush it."

"Thanks Rosie." I say with a deep breath as I try desperately to calm my anxieties over tests and maths.


"Hey mama." I call out as I walk in the house, dropping my heavy bag on the floor before I dash up the stairs to find her. She's laying in bed, propped up with pillows behind her as she works typing on her computer.

Once she sees me, she sets her glasses down and casts a huge smile over to me. "Hello my darling, did you have a good day?" She asks as she holds her arms out for me with only a hint of effort detected on her face, in her eyes.

All I want is to throw myself in her arms, but I can't, I have to be careful with her, one jarring movement or well anything really could hurt her. So I gently lean down and wrap my arms around her shoulders. She kisses my cheek and I all but melt into the warmth and safety of my mother.

"It was fine mama, I finished Rebecca."

"Again?" She says with a chuckle as I pull away and settle by her feet at the bottom of the bed. I nod with a bashful grin and she sighs playfully.

"You know Juliet, you could try experiencing these great romances instead of reading about them."

Her voice has a lilting and playful but I know there is an edge of worry there as well. She worries I'm too isolated in my life, I'd rather spend my time reading than living apparently. The reality is that there is no one worth living for right now, once I get to college that will change.

"If you wanted me to be a great romance, you shouldn't have named me after the most tragic, love lost girl." I say with a tease, that's the truth. My parents met through a production of Romeo and Juliet, she played Juliet and he Romeo. They fell in love and when I was born they named me after that treasure memory.

But also inadvertently doomed me to be unlucky in love as well apparently.

"Darling, you have to put yourself out there. You can't let the fear of getting your heart broken hold you back."

"I know mum, but there's no one worth getting my heartbroken for right now."

She nods her head in understanding and leaves it at that.

"How are you mum, do you need anything? Some painkillers? Some water?" I check frantically, she's been on her own since dad left for work and I know walking causes her great discomfort. It's another reason I hate going to school, I'm always frightened I'm going to get a call or text that she's collapsed, or at hospital. Sometimes it's too much to bare.

"I'm fine darling," she pats my hand reassuringly, "you go and do your homework and stop worrying."

"But I-"

"I will text you if I need anything, I promise."

Reluctantly and with a sigh, I stand from the bed and lean over to give her a kiss and another hug. When I hold her, I never want to let go. Because when I hold her, I know she is safe.

MC's Viking Warriors- Bolt #4 Where stories live. Discover now