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"Bolt! Bolt please teach me! Teach me!" Eira tugs on my sleeve along with Maddy clamouring behind her as I try desperately to drown my thoughts in whiskey.

Sighing, I look down at the two girls as they bounce on the balls of their feet.

"Come on than little snowflake, Fangkeeper." I tease, using their nicknames before shuffling along the bench of the booth so they can clamber up.

It takes Maddy a few attempts and in the end I have to help her up, she's very small for her age. Eira took one look at the incline, tilted her head thinking for a moment before taking a few steps back. She attacks the jump with a running leap and successfully lands beside Maddy.

"Good job my little snowflake." I ruffle her hair as I pull Maddy onto one knee, Eira on the other. At least their attentions will distract me from the fucking sickness in my stomach and the ache in my chest.

Reaching into my jean's pocket I pull out a deck of cards and deal them out for a game of Irish snap- I've been telling them that it's poker they're playing, like their daddies do at game night with me. For the time being it will work to keep them happy.

After two games Eira has beaten all of us and Maddy is upset and won't play again.

"Eira? Where are you snowball?" I can hear my president calling for his daughter, so I lift my head up above the booth so he can see me and I point down at my lap.

Smiling, Bear strides over the bar towards us and Eira makes grabby hands for her father.

"Thanks Bolt." I nod and keep my hand on Maddy's lower back. Bear carries Eira away in his arms, back home to Astrid who is very pregnant with their third baby. All she wants is cuddles from everyone, she's even caught me a few times in a sneak attack. I don't love it, but I'll tolerate it for the president's woman if it makes her happy.

Her pregnancy has also made Bear ridiculously overprotective, even Dagger and I are on guard duty instead of the prospects on their own because he doesn't want to risk anything.

"Shall we play another game, just us, Fangkeeper?" I whisper into her hair as I bounce her lightly on my knee. She nods and turns to give me a grin that numbs the ache a bit more, only for a second. With the girls as well, his voice is quieter- not gone. Not like with my angel. But quieter and easier to bear.

Maddy and I play another game, in which I let her win, and then we have to stop. A very pregnant Doretha comes looking for her. Amazingly, both sister ended up pregnant at almost exactly the same time, some things are meant to be I guess. But the dates of their pregnancies are where the similarities end, whilst Astrid is cuddly and sleepy, Doretha is bad tempered and vengeful- but only towards Viper.

I can't count the number of times in the last seven months that I've found him sleeping on his sofa when I've come to collect him. I suppose he sort of deserves it in her view- I'm not going to judge the moods of a pregnant woman.

"Mummy." Maddy trips over herself to get to Doretha and then hurls her little body at her legs, it causes Doretha to lose her balance and she starts to fall backwards slightly. I'm already on my feet and ready to grab her hand when Viper swoops in behind her and pulls her into his chest.

Huh, where did he come from? I think this to myself and let out a private little chuckle, these helicopters husbands.

Good fucking job he was their, she'd have fallen with you to help.

The voice sneers and I growl, 'no she wouldn't' I reply whilst pressing my fists to my ears in a desperate attempt to ease something, anything.

I've got to fucking get out of here. The sight of Doretha nuzzling her face into Viper's chest and Astrid dozing on Bear's lap turns my stomach and shoots daggers through my heart.

Without a word to anyone, not that they'd care, I leave and stumble from the bar. Fresh air slams into my chest and I heave it down into my starving lungs. My bike is before me, in my line of vision, the rumble of her engine calling to me.

Before I even have a chance to make a decision for myself, the beast slams himself against my head until I'm thrown into the backseat of my own mind.

I watch as if through a filter as we fly past trees and hedges, dodging and weaving through traffic without a care for my safety. It's not even my safety I give a fuck about anymore.


The hospital. Are you fucking kidding me? My own dark subconscious has decided that here is exactly where I need to be in this time of uncontrollable rage. Just fucking great. 

It takes all my power to push him back into the cage in my mind and I'm so mentally drained that my head explodes into a tension headache. There's a low wall less than a foot away and I head over to sit on it.

Admittedly, it's lower than expected and I almost shattered my fucking coccyx but at least I can shut my eyes for a minute. I lay my forehead down onto my leg and let my eyes drift shut. I don't know how long I've been sitting here, but I know something is telling me to look up.

When I do, I see Juliet leaving the hospital after I assume the end of her shift.

Her beauty takes my breath away.

I could die right now and I'd be happy.

She's wearing a teal scrub set that cling to her gorgeously curvy body, that fucking body that has kept me up at night for 12 fucking years. Her hair, as it always was before, is in her signature plait and she still has her gold rimmed glasses.

Somehow, she looks exactly like the angel from my past, but also entirely different. She holds her body with confidence and assertion even though it's very obvious she's tired. In short she's the woman I knew she was destined to become.

She unlocks her car, I can't stop watching her, even the simplest, tiniest action is treasure to me. Her keys slip from her hand and my leg muscles spasm with the urge to pick them up for her even though I'd have to cross a car park to do so.

I can tell from her lips that a swear word or rather a string of curse words have just slipped out and I chuckle. The Juliet I used to know never swore like that.

Bending down, Juliet crouches to pick up her keys but her overfilled tote bag is at the wrong angle and a paperback book slips out and onto the ground. She's so tired and distracted she doesn't even notice it as she steps into the car and slams the door shut.

Once her car has pulled out of the car park, I'm on my feet and heading to the space where the book lays open but cover down so it's unharmed. I pick the book up and my head is bombarded with memories of us in that cafe as she handed me a book to read the blurb of.

Sighing, I look at the cover and chuckle again. A slightly more raunchy adult romance than the ones she used to read but it's still obvious it's her book. It's got a happy ending.

I shove the small book into the band of my jeans so I can take it back with me. I'll read it and then return it to my angel.

Maybe the next time I'll get out something better to say than just her name. Maybe next time she won't run from me.

Hello my lovely readers,

This story simply won't leave my head even when I need it to! I'm just loving Bolt and Juliet too much oops xxx

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