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"Please don't go." Bolt begs, clinging onto my arm and practically pouting like a child.

"Bolt." I whine as he pulls me onto his lap and presses his lips onto mine sweetly whilst also being possessive.

"But we need you." He protests as I break away from the kiss and raise an eyebrow at him ruefully. "Alright... I need you. I've only just got you back, I can't bear to let you leave my arms."

"I'm not leaving." I chuckle at his nerves. "My shift starts in an hour and I need to feed the cats too."

Bolt sighs heavily before standing, I fall off his lap with a squeak and stand next to him. He wraps his arm protectively around my waist and walks me from his room.

"I'll drop you off back home then." He looks down at me with a smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes.

"Hey," I squeeze his bicep, "I'll be back." The frown persists on his face, I should have known he'd hold on to me right, not that I mind.

"You could meet me at my house at the end of my shift?" I suggest hopefully and I finally get a proper smile on his lips.

"Your house?"


"The whole night?" He questions even more hopefully, I bite my lip to hide the growing blush on my cheeks.

"Yes cheeky, the whole night."


My shift passes with small smiles sneaking onto my face and thoughts of Bolt in my heart. It flies by and truthfully it wasn't a shit day, I actually felt like I had made a difference today and that is always a good day.

Driving back to my house, it takes everything I have not to speed down the road just to get to the other half of my heart. Taylor Swift's fearless album is blaring out into the car and I sing along, finally able to speak about the words of love I'd hidden from for too long.

When I pull up to my house, I frown. My mood instantly drops. There's no Bolt waiting by the door. There's no bike parked outside my house.

Taking a deep breath, I dig my nails into the palms of my hand. The sting of pain distracts from the ache in my heart, I'm ready to face the empty house now.

My hands fumble with the keys at the lock and I curse hideously. The shaking continues as I finally get the key in the lock and open the door.

I jolt with surprise when the smell of pizza fills my nose.

"Hey doll." Bolt's voice reaches me from the kitchen. "I let myself in, hope you don't mind."

My smile stretches across my face so wide I can feel it straining at the sides.

"I-I don't mind at all. I thought you hadn't come." I admit as I take my trainers off.

"I know. I took the car so I would surprise you."

Chuckling, I shake my head and pad into the kitchen. Bolt has his back to me, his leaning over the sink and when I cast my gaze around his massive form I see he's washing up dishes from my last meal here.

"Hmmmm." I hum as I wrap my arms around him from behind in a tight embrace. "I could get used to this."

"I could too, doll. I could too."

"Let me just get out of my scrubs and then we can eat." I nod my head to the takeaway pizza box that's steaming delicious aromas into my nose.

"Get out of them?"

Bolt spins around so we're face to face, his eyes shamelessly look over my body which is basically stuffed into the tight scrubs. He bites his lip and his gaze becomes somehow even more heated.

I'm not sure if I can survive another night with him without pouncing.

"Bolt..." I whine, "I have to get changed."

"Why." He persists, his breath curls around my ear and my back arches in delight as I sneak closer to his body and groping hands.

"Because... these scrubs have been splattered with almost every bodily fluid today."

I'm only playing with him, but it's still funny to watch him jump back slightly in disgust whilst still trying to not insult or offend me.

"Yeah... um yeah." He clears his throat and drops his hands from my hips. I blow him a kiss, still keeping my distance to keep up the pretence. I turn on my heel and walks from the kitchen.

Less than five minutes later, I'm back downstairs and Bolt has moved to the sofa and taken the pizza with him. Flopping down on the sofa next to him, I'm there less than a second before I'm pulled into his arms.

"I think I prefer this outfit even more." He admits, unabashedly looking at my chunky thighs in my leggings.

"Bolt... I'm hungry."

He sighs playfully and turns his lustful gaze from my body, the pizza box is shoved onto my lap rather ungraciously. Bolt never was an elegant being even before.

"Then eat... because I'm hungry too."

I think we can all guess where the next chapter is going... ;)

MC's Viking Warriors- Bolt #4 Where stories live. Discover now