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"Shit." I curse as the pasta almost boils over once again, my mind has been wandering irritatingly frequently to a certain biker and I can't get him out of my mind.

Straining, I try to open the pasta sauce jar for the third time and for the third time I fail.

"Fuck!" I curse and I feel the tears of frustration start to fall, this is the last straw today. I'm tired and had a shit day. I got yelled at by my boss for the wait times in the ER, like that's my fault, we're understaffed and overfilled.

All I want is a hot meal and then to sleep but apparently I can't even fucking do that.

There's a knock at the door, it makes me jump. I wasn't expecting anyone. Sighing, I slowly drag myself out of the kitchen and across the hall. I open the door and jump again.

It's Bolt.

"Hey doll." He breaths out heavily, his chest is rising hard and fast. He's nervous.

I swallow hard, I push down all my hurt and anger, if I spit my fury at him right now he'll run and I know Bolt running is dangerous.

"Hey Bolt." I reply as flatly as I can manage, but of course he can hear the waver in my voice and an even darker frown graces his face.

"Need some help." He asks me softly, his voice is as gravely and deep as I remember. This voice has haunted my dreams for 12 years, and now he's standing on my porch's it feels surreal.

"Need some help?" He repeats, dragging me from my thoughts, he points down at my hand and I follow his gaze. I'm still holding onto the sauce jar. I hadn't even realised I still had it.

Reluctantly, I nod and hold out the jar. He takes it silently and with nothing more than a nod. He opens it easily and almost makes me flush with embarrassment, well if would have if I had the strength.

He hands it back to me with a soft smile, it looks strained on his face, like he hasn't smiled in years.

We stand in silence for far too long, neither of us knowing quite what to stay to the other.

Suddenly, I remember the pasta and let out a small curse. Running back into the kitchen I find the pasta ruined. I let out a small sob as I turn off the heat. Dropping my head down on the counter, I feel my barrier  collapse. I have no more strength to keep the tears at bay.

A heavy hand drops onto my shoulder, I know that hand. It's Bolt's hand. I'm so angry with him. I'm so fucking angry with him and what he did. But right now, I don't have the energy to be angry.

I'm lonely and I want the comfort that only Bolt's arms can give me. So even as my head screams in protest my heart moves my body. I turn from the counter and press my face into his musky warmth.

As was always with my Bolt, he hesitates first before winding his arms around me and holding me to him as my tears soak his top.

Eventually, when the tears dry I pull away. Bolt's arms drop back to his side immediately, he looks down at me for a moment, I stare back up at him. After a moment, one of his hands moves to cup one side of my face. I turn into his hand slightly and his thumb wipes away the tears that are drying on my cheeks.

"I'm angry with you Bolt. I'm so fucking angry with you." I finally tell him softly, he swallows hard and nods shortly. He starts to pull away, taking a step away from me, his barriers falling back into place.

"But..." I continue, "I'm too tired to be angry with you today. So please... please don't go." The tears spring back into my eyes, I don't think I can handle his rejection again today.

Luckily, I don't have to think about his rejection today as his warm hand immediately finds my cold one and squeezes it tightly.

Bolt gently leads me by the hand through to the living room, we have hardly said a word but as was always with us, very few words were needed to be said.

We sit on my sofa in silence, not touching beyond our intertwined hands. Bolt's thumb is rubbing tiny, soft circles on the soft skin between my thumb and index finger. It feels amazing and so soothing that my eyes begin to droop with sleep under the watchful and protective gaze of Bolt.

Hello my lovely readers,

Sorry this chapter is a bit shorter but I'm already working on the next chapter to follow on from this one in Bolt's pov.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter xx

MC's Viking Warriors- Bolt #4 Where stories live. Discover now