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After another twenty minutes or so of conversation with the biker girls they begin to drift away. Doretha needed to go and feed Sophie so Viper took them home. Then the triplets started whining in need of a nap so Elle disappeared. Astrid and I sat together for a while making small talk but Bear came to take her home, she was very uncomfortable in her pregnancy.

Since I'm now sitting in an empty booth, I get up and move towards Bolt and his brothers.

I can tell by his body language alone that he has had a lot to drink, the four empty bottles sitting before him alone confirm my theory.

"Hey Bolt." I call out softly as I gently place my hand on his leather clad shoulder. At first Bolt jumps at the contact, he spins around at me. His eyes wild and aggressive. I flinch and take a step backwards, I can already tell that Bolt is not a pleasant drunk. He's wired and angry.

"Hey Miss Doctor!" Dagger slurs out from his position slumped in the corner, I smile weakly at him suddenly feeling very uncomfortable.

With Dagger's voice, Bolt finally reacts he stands up beside me and then walks over towards Bolt.

"Juliet!" He calls loudly, "Come over here! You wanted to meet my brothers."

His voice has a slight sneering quality to it and it hurts, why didn't we just stay at home on the sofa? I don't like who Bolt is at the club, they bring out the worst in him.

"Dagger, this is my... friend, Juliet."

Friend? He might as well have thrown me down a flight of stairs.

"Friend? Seriously Bolt?" Dagger scoffs and then rolls his eyes at me sympathetically before I can even speak my mind.

"I apologise Juliet, as you can see, Bolt is not a nice man with whiskey."

"Whatever." I say flatly, trying to mask my hurt and anxiety. "Just take him to his bed when he's had enough will you?"

"Sure thing Miss Doctor." He nods casually before turning back to his glass.

Swallowing hard, I cast one last look at the glowering Bolt whose eyes are fixed on the wall away from me. Sighing hard, i purse my lips and turn my back on this shadow of the man I knew.

Doretha mentioned that the families had cabins, maybe I'll see if one of them has a sofa I can sleep on tonight.

Just as my hand touches the door handle to leave the bar, I hear a voice. Instantly, my blood is burning.

Precious, that girl from his room has sauntered into the room and her voice is draped all over Bolt.

This, I will not walk away from.

I turn around and see Precious perched on Bolt's lap and whilst he's not exactly cosying up to her, he's not pushing her away either.

Striding across the room, I stand directly before the pair of them, hands on my hips.

"Bolt?" I grit out between my locked jaw. "Get rid of her, or I'll do it myself."

My words reach deaf ears, neither of them move. Well that's not exactly true, Precious moves in to whisper something in Bolt's ear they both start to laugh. She presses kisses over Bolt's jaw and neck, over love bites I'd put there before.

I gasp in pain, in anguish, in shock, in horror.

Still Bolt doesn't move.

I can't stop what happens next, the tears start to bubble in my eyes. I hate the fact that they are there, but the hurt is overwhelming.

Just as I'm about to drag Precious from Bolt's lap, she leans in and licks his ear. My stomach turns in disgust, and so does Bolt's apparently.

He jumps up in a feral roar. Precious falls to the fall in a squeal. Bolt stomps over her, looking down at her until she's cowering.

"If I ever see you in this fucking club again, if I ever see you in this fucking town again, I will rip that fucking tongue from your mouth and make you eat it!"

Even though his words should reassure me, even slightly, they just drive down the fact that this is not the Bolt I want to know.

Bolt looks up at me, regret and remorse written across his face and in his eyes. He opens his mouth to speak, but I hold my arm up to stop him.

"No... you don't get to talk to me, not tonight, not tomorrow..."

The bar has fallen deathly silent, all Bolt's so-called Brothers have gone quiet to watch the situation. A whore sat on a biker's lap is old news, but this and with Bolt, this is new territory.

"Doll I-"

"No Bolt!" My voice raises. "You don't get to explain this away, to make this okay. How could you? How could you do this to me? Treat me like that? You are not the man I thought you were. You are not the man I love, I don't love this Bolt. I don't love you in this place. So until you sober up and become my Bolt again, don't you ever fucking talk to me again."

"Juliet?" I jump at the voice and spin around. Doretha is standing in the door to the bar, her arms open for me.

I'm running before my mind even realises. The tears stream down my cheeks and clog my sobs, Doretha pulls me to her side as she leads me from the watching eyes of everyone.

My vision is blinded with salt, I honestly don't know where I'm going but I don't care. Right now a snake infested swamp would be better than being in a room with Bolt.

"He-he was so p-proud to introduce me!" I sob, choking and aching. "Why-why did he do that t-to mmeee?"

"I don't know Juliet, I don't know. I'm so sorry."

The gravel under my feet tells me we're crossing the compound to the cabins.

"All I do know pet, is you need a cup of hot chocolate and a hug. Both of those things I can fix for you."

I chuckle softly as I wipe the streaming tears from my cheeks.

"T-thank you..."

MC's Viking Warriors- Bolt #4 Where stories live. Discover now