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Doretha and her huge biker man are coming over their new baby girl as I check her pulse and blood pressure one last time.

The baby is truthfully gorgeous with big blue eyes and dark hair. I leave them as their two children meet the latest arrival to their family, I turn away from the scene of serenity with an ache in my heart.

A family is something I have always wanted in my life, but now I just can't see it happening. After Bolt, I was with a man for a few years on and off, I was always too busy with work. Too distracted with my career and more than that he wasn't right for me.

I'm thirty now, and there's no sign of a man I would want a family with, maybe I would consider adoption but I don't want to do it on my own.

"Shit sorry." I exclaim as I bump into a hard wall of chest, I'd been lost in my thoughts and looking at my feet.

Looking up sheepishly, I hope that it's Bolt, or at least a tiny part of me hopes it's Bolt. But when I look up it's not a familiar face.

"No worries darlin'." The man, Dagger I believe, gives me a lazy smile that makes me squirm. He looks over my curves in my sweatpants and pyjama T-shirt. Clearing my throat, I duck my head down and scuttle past him.

I walk through the club house, down a flight of stairs and along a corridor, finally I open a door and fresh air caresses my face.

Exhaustion from the long day of work and then the delivery of a baby has drained me. I slump down onto the step and rest my face on my knees.

A crunching of gravel catches my attention and I look up at the noise. Doretha's man, I'm honestly too tired to remember his name, is holding the hands of a small girl and an older boy as he walks them back to what I assume is their cabin. Doretha can't be moved yet which I imagine they are all upset by but it can't be helped.

I can hear the little girl talking contentedly to her father, babbling quickly about this and that.

Then the explosion hits.

The world turns sideways as the fire and bang surrounds my vision and clings to my ears.

I cry out in a scream.

Through the ringing I can hear other screams ringing out amongst mine.

The children are protected under the man's body, he must've thrown his body over them in an instinct.

The fire is still burning, I can see now where the explosion was. It was at the gate, the flames are licking at the trees. The other men in the club are running and screaming orders.

I blink hard and try to focus through the ringing. I'm confused, but even then I know what's going on here. This is why Bolt left me, I mean sure he was an idiot in the way he did it, but it was this fear, the children screaming in fear. He was protecting me from this life in his own demented way.

Swallowing hard, I stagger to my feet and drag myself over towards the gate, there were guards there. They will need help.

I treat both the men for minor surface wounds and by then the dusk has settled on the sky and from the looks of things I'm not going to be able to leave anytime soon. All of my lifts out of here are preoccupied with vengeance.

I've been forgotten about, I'm standing in the corner, in the dark, totally ignored by all. Not that I mind particularly, I've always been more of a sideline girl. But I don't want to be ignored by Bolt but that's exactly what's going on. His eyes are glazed over with rage and he keeps through me, that hurts my heart.

The woman who introduced herself as Astrid walks over to me with a smile, her hand resting on her protruding belly. I don't care what anyone says I'm not delivering another of these biker babies or I will skin Bolt.

"Thanks for everything." She smiles down at me, another thing about me to hate. My tiny size, even Astrid, who is by no means tall looks down at me.

"It was nothing. I'm happy to help, really." I smile thinly at her, I'm so tired my eyes are burning now.

I try and fail to stifle a yawn, I hope Astrid doesn't catch it but she does.

"Oh my goodness!" She exclaims in her fabulously British accent, "You must be so tired. I'll have my husband get you a room immediately, you won't be able to leave tonight I'm sorry."

"Why?" I question nonchalantly, I don't hugely care why but I need to know how long I'm going to be stuck in this emotional turmoil.

"Oh we have to lockdown until the attack has been dealt with. They got too close and we have to stay in a lockdown for protection.

I swallow hard but manage to force a smile and small nod to the kind woman.

"I'll get you a room now..." she pauses for a moment before looking at me with a devious smile on her lips.

"Watch this." Astrid is clearly a lot of fun, I can only imagine the game she's going to play but I'm pleased to be part of it.

"Vi!" She calls out into the air of the bar to no one in particular.

In less than a second, the biggest man I've ever seen is by her side and clutching at her hand and stomach in one deft movement.

I have no idea how he managed to hear her through all the voices and shouting of orders but somehow he has.

Man I wouldn't mind getting my hands on a 'Vi' as Astrid called him.

"What's wrong my love? What's wrong?" He murmurs next to her face, she smiles at him lovingly.

"Nothing's wrong, but Juliet needs a room for the night."

I don't even remember telling her my name but it does feel nice to be remembered in some way, to be thought of.

"Of course." The huge man nods in agreement before turning to me.

"I'll ask Bolt to get you set up in a room." He adds rather unhelpfully, damn Bolt. Can I just have five minutes with out that biker shooting daggers in my heart.

Astrid and her husband wander off after bidding me goodnight, a few seconds later a hand lands on my shoulder and a throat clears.


MC's Viking Warriors- Bolt #4 Where stories live. Discover now